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Unleash Your Inner Dragon Expert: A Guide to 'How to Train Your Dragon 2' TV Tropes

Unleash Your Inner Dragon Expert: A Guide to 'How to Train Your Dragon 2' TV Tropes

How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a popular animated movie that follows the adventures of Hiccup and his dragon Toothless. But did you know that the film is filled with TV tropes that make it even more entertaining? In this article, we will explore some of the most prominent TV tropes in How to Train Your Dragon 2.

Have you ever noticed how Hiccup is portrayed as an underdog throughout the film? This is known as the underdog trope. It's a common theme in movies where the protagonist is faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles but manages to overcome them through sheer determination.

The movie also features the classic villain redemption trope. The main antagonist in the film, Drago Bludvist, is initially portrayed as a ruthless conqueror. However, as the story progresses, we learn about his tragic past and witness his eventual redemption.

One of the most visually stunning TV tropes in the movie is the use of rule of cool. This trope refers to the inclusion of elements in a story that are impractical or illogical but add to the overall coolness factor. For example, Toothless' sleek design and ability to fly at incredible speeds add to the overall awesomeness of the character.

But it's not just the visuals that make How to Train Your Dragon 2 an enjoyable watch. The film also utilizes the call to adventure trope, where the protagonist is tempted or forced to leave their normal life and embark on a thrilling adventure. This trope is seen when Hiccup sets out to find Drago with his friends and dragons by his side.

Another interesting TV trope used in the film is the mentor. This trope involves a wise and experienced character imparting knowledge and guidance to the protagonist. In How to Train Your Dragon 2, this role is filled by Stoick the Vast, Hiccup's father and the chief of their tribe.

Transitioning from the characters, let's talk about the movie's plot. The big damn heroes trope is used in the movie's climactic battle scene. This trope involves the arrival of unexpected reinforcements that help turn the tide of a seemingly unwinnable fight. In How to Train Your Dragon 2, this trope is seen when Hiccup and Toothless are joined by other riders and their dragons to take down Drago and his army.

The film also incorporates the sacrifice trope, where a character willingly puts themselves in danger or even dies for the greater good. This is seen when Stoick sacrifices himself to save his son, leaving a powerful impact on the audience.

Furthermore, one of the most heartwarming TV tropes in the movie is the use of found family. This refers to a group of people who aren't related by blood, but form a close bond over time and become a family. Hiccup and his friends, as well as their dragons, form this type of family throughout the course of the film.

An often-overlooked trope in the movie is hidden depths. This trope involves characters gradually revealing surprising and complex aspects of their personality that weren't initially apparent. In How to Train Your Dragon 2, this trope is exemplified by the character of Valka, Hiccup's long-lost mother who has been living with dragons for years.

Finally, the movie's ending uses the foregone conclusion trope. This trope refers to an event or outcome that is predetermined and therefore inevitable. In How to Train Your Dragon 2, the audience knows that Hiccup will become the new chief of Berk, and this ending feels like a satisfying conclusion to the story.

In conclusion, How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a masterclass in how to incorporate TV tropes into a movie. From the underdog trope to the rule of cool, the film uses these storytelling techniques to create a thrilling and emotional experience for audiences. If you haven't seen the movie already, we highly recommend giving it a watch!

How To Train Your Dragon 2 Tv Tropes
"How To Train Your Dragon 2 Tv Tropes" ~ bbaz

The How To Train Your Dragon franchise has been a fan favorite since its first movie release in 2010. The story follows the adventures of Hiccup, a young Viking from the island of Berk, and his dragon Toothless. The second movie in the series brings new characters and exciting storylines that explore different themes such as family, friendship, and loyalty. Beyond that, it also packs several TV tropes that make the film more enjoyable and entertaining for viewers.

What are TV Tropes?

Before diving into the various TV Tropes present in How To Train Your Dragon 2, let us first define what they mean. TV Tropes refer to the common themes found in different types of media, including movies, TV shows, books, and even video games. These themes could be anything from heroes' journeys or coming-of-age stories to plot twists or character archetypes. Tropes could either be played straight, subverted, or inverted, depending on how the story develops.

The Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey is a common trope found in many films, including How To Train Your Dragon 2. This trope refers to the basic plot that heroes follow, which involves their call to adventure, crossing the threshold, overcoming trials, learning important lessons, and returning home transformed. In the movie, Hiccup goes through this journey as he discovers new lands beyond Berk and fights to save his people from the evil Drago Bludvist.

The Villain Monologue

Another popular trope is the Villain Monologue, which refers to the moment when the bad guy explains their plans or motivations to the hero. While it might seem like an overused concept, it still manages to add tension and depth to the story. In How To Train Your Dragon 2, Drago Bludvist uses this trope to explain his reasons for wanting to control every dragon and dominate the world.

The Mentor

The Mentor is another common trope that appears in many films where an experienced character guides the protagonist on their journey. This trope can be seen in the character of Valka, Hiccup's long-lost mother who has been living with dragons for years. She helps Hiccup understand the secrets of dragon riders and gives him the knowledge he needs to defeat Drago Bludvist.

The Weapon Wielder

Another great TV Trope present in How To Train Your Dragon 2 is the Weapon Wielder. This trope refers to a character who uses a special weapon or tool to aid them in their quest. In the movie, Hiccup wields a new invention called the Dragon Blade. It is a weapon infused with dragon fire that Hiccup uses to fend off Drago's army of dragons.

The Epic Battle

Epic Battle is a TV trope that refers to the final showdown between the protagonist and antagonist. This trope is present in How To Train Your Dragon 2, where the epic confrontation occurs between Hiccup and Drago Bludvist. This battle showcases the hero's growth and evolution throughout the movie as he fights to protect his home and loved ones.

The Sacrifice

The Sacrifice trope refers to the moment when a character gives up something valuable, including their own life, for the greater good. In How To Train Your Dragon 2, Stoick, Hiccup's father, makes the ultimate sacrifice to save his son and the Berkians from Drago's dragon army. This sad moment adds depth and emotion to the story.

The Romantic Subplot

The Romantic Subplot is another TV trope that often appears in films. It refers to the romantic tension or relationship between two characters. In How To Train Your Dragon 2, Astrid and Hiccup's relationship evolves as they work together to protect their island from Drago's invasion. Although it is a minor subplot, it still adds emotion and character development to the story.

The Redemption Arc

The Redemption Arc is a trope that involves a character who begins as an antagonist but eventually becomes a hero after undergoing a transformation. This trope can be seen in the character of Eret, a dragon trapper and initially an enemy of Hiccup and his friends. Eret eventually turns against Drago and helps Hiccup save the day, showcasing the potential for growth and change even in bad guys.

The Sidekick

The Sidekick is the trope representing the loyal companion that remains with the protagonist throughout their journey. In How To Train Your Dragon 2, Toothless serves as Hiccup's sidekick. Toothless' relationship is an anchor of the series, making it more fun and heartwarming to watch.


How To Train Your Dragon 2 packs plenty of TV tropes that make it a compelling and entertaining movie. The combination of compelling plotlines with well-executed tropes ensures the audience is engrossed throughout the movie. Understanding these tropes makes watching the film an even more fascinating experience, increasing our appreciation for the film genre as a whole. Undoubtedly, How To Train Your Dragon 2 belongs in the pantheon of enduring animated stories, spurring a franchise that will remain cherished for generations to come.

A Comparison of How To Train Your Dragon 2 and TV Tropes


Every good story has its tropes, and How To Train Your Dragon 2 is no exception. TV Tropes, the website dedicated to cataloging and dissecting these storytelling devices, has plenty to say about this beloved film. In this comparison article, we'll dive into some of the most prominent tropes found in How To Train Your Dragon 2 and see how they stack up against TV Tropes' analysis.

The Chosen One

One of the most common tropes found in fantasy films is the Chosen One. In both HTTYD 2 and according to TV Tropes, protagonist Hiccup fits this mold. He's the only Viking who can communicate with dragons and has a vision that leads him on his quest to save the world of dragons and humans. However, one difference between the two is that TV Tropes notes that Hiccup isn't exactly the Most Prophesied of All Prophesied Ones. Instead, he's simply in the right place at the right time and has the skills necessary to take on the responsibility given to him.


While Hiccup may not fit the classic Chosen One mold, his unique abilities and personal growth throughout the story definitely make him stand out as the hero of the tale.

Character Development

Another aspect of storytelling that's critical to any good tale is character development. TV Tropes highlights the extensive progression of Hiccup's character, stating that he goes from a social outcast to... the renowned dragon master. This growth is crucial to both the plot of the film and the audience's connection to the story.


Indeed, Hiccup's evolution throughout the story is a significant factor in why viewers are so invested in his journey. His development also plays into other tropes present in the story, such as Redemption Equals Death (which we'll discuss later).

The Power of Love

HTTYD 2 and TV Tropes both acknowledge the importance of love as a theme throughout the film. In particular, TV Tropes highlights the relationship between Hiccup and his father Stoick as a significant factor in helping Hiccup realize his potential. This bond plays a role in Stoick's death later in the film, leading to Hiccup ultimately taking on the mantle of village leader.


Love is undoubtedly a powerful tool when it comes to storytelling, and HTTYD 2 expertly weaves it into the plot. The themes of love, family, and sacrifice all contribute to the emotional impact of the film's climax.

The Villains

Of course, no story is complete without antagonists for the heroes to face off against. HTTYD 2 has a few villains, but TV Tropes focuses primarily on Drago Bludvist as the central antagonist. They note that he fits the mold of the classic social Darwinist conqueror, with his desire to dominate both humans and dragons through force.


Drago certainly fits the bill as an imposing villain, but one thing that sets HTTYD 2 apart from other fantasy films is that the villains aren't just evil for the sake of being evil. Drago has a backstory and motivations that make him a more well-rounded character, even if he is the big bad of the story.

Redemption Equals Death

Another common trope in storytelling is Redemption Equals Death, and HTTYD 2 employs this in a significant way. Stoick, Hiccup's father, initially opposes the idea of peace between humans and dragons. However, after Drago kills his dragon friend, Stoick has a change of heart and makes the ultimate sacrifice to save the village from Drago's wrath.


While redemption equals death may be a well-worn trope in fantasy storytelling, it adds an extra emotional gut-punch to the climax of HTTYD 2. Stoick's death is tragic but ultimately serves to push Hiccup further in his journey and cement him as the leader his father always believed he could be.

The Ending

Finally, TV Tropes analyzes the film's ending, noting that while it's not precisely a happy resolution, it does wrap up the story's loose ends nicely. They also highlight the fact that it sets up potential sequels to come.


The ending of HTTYD 2 strikes a delicate balance between satisfying closure and leaving room for future possibilities. It also effectively sets up the next installment in the franchise, making audiences eager to see where the story goes from here.


In conclusion, How To Train Your Dragon 2 and TV Tropes both offer their own perspectives on the film's use of common storytelling tropes. While the analysis presented by TV Tropes is insightful and informative, HTTYD 2 stands on its own as a masterful use of these storytelling devices. Through Hiccup's character development, the power of love, and a compelling cast of heroes and villains, the film tells a timeless tale of bravery, sacrifice, and the importance of finding your place in the world.

How To Train Your Dragon 2 TV Tropes: A Guide To Understanding The Film


How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a sequel to the 2010 film How to Train Your Dragon. It follows the story of Hiccup, a Viking teenager who befriends a dragon named Toothless. In this article, we will explore some of the TV tropes used in the film that help make it an enjoyable watch.

The Call Knows Where You Live

This trope is evident in the movie as Hiccup is called to step up and take over his father's role as chief. He is forced to leave his comfortable, carefree life and take on challenging responsibility. This trope is common in adventure movies and books, where the protagonist is pulled into a journey or quest.

The Dark Horse Victory

This trope is visible in the movie's climactic scene, where Hiccup saves the day by going against the traditional Viking way of fighting and instead opts for diplomacy. By not engaging in violent confrontation with the film's villain, Hiccup defeats him and brings peace to both the Vikings and dragons. The Dark Horse Victory trope is often used in movies to show the underdog coming out victorious.

The Worf Effect

This trope is evident in the movie when the movie's villain Drago first arrives on the scene. Drago's dragon almost effortlessly deploys a vast armada of ships and destroys Berk's defenses, essentially demonstrating his power. This trope is used to instill fear in the audience about the character who will serve as the primary antagonist.

The Power of Friendship

The Power of Friendship trope is seen throughout the movie, especially in the relationship between Hiccup and Toothless. Their unbreakable bond is shown to be the key to saving both the dragons and the Vikings. This trope is familiar in movies and TV shows where friendship is tested, and the power of it prevails.

The Chosen One

Hiccup's character in the movie is an excellent example of the Chosen One trope. He is born with a gift that sets him apart from the others, and he uses it to bring positive change to his community. This trope is prevalent in most adventure or fantasy movies.

Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey is a classic storytelling trope which details the protagonist's journey from ordinary life to extraordinary circumstances. This trope is evident in the movie, as Hiccup leaves his mundane life to embark on adventures that make him a hero.

Facing Your Fears

In How to Train Your Dragon 2, Hiccup and Toothless are both afraid at different points in the story. Hiccup has to face his fear of becoming a leader, while Toothless overcomes his fears of getting too close to humans. This trope is common in children's movies where the main character must learn and grow.

Redemption Arc

The Redemption Arc trope is visible in the movie through the character of Valka, Hiccup's mother. Her past actions had set events in motion that led to the creation of Drago's army of dragons. To make amends for her actions, she allies with her son to save the dragons and the Vikings. This trope is used to show that anyone can redeem themselves.


How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a fantastic movie with several TV tropes that help to make it enjoyable. These tropes are used throughout to add depth to the plotline and develop the characters. Understanding these tropes can make for a more complete viewing experience, enhance your appreciation for the art of storytelling, and show the creators' mastery of the craft.

How To Train Your Dragon 2 Tv Tropes: A Deeper Look at the Movie

Welcome to the world of Berk, where humans and dragons coexist in harmony. In the first installment of How to Train Your Dragon, we saw how Hiccup, a son of a Viking chief, befriended Toothless, a rare and elusive breed of dragon, and how they changed the world around them. The second movie, released in 2014, took us to an entirely different level with its more intricate plot and intense emotional themes.

How to Train Your Dragon 2 was directed by Dean DeBlois and produced by DreamWorks Animation. It grossed over $621 million worldwide and received widespread critical acclaim. The film won several awards, including the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film and the Annie Award for Best Animated Feature.

The movie picks up five years after the events of the first film. We see Hiccup and his friends exploring new horizons while trying to figure out what their future holds. Soon enough, they discover a new threat that causes chaos and destruction in their peaceful world. They must band together to protect their beloved home while facing personal challenges.

Throughout the film, we see various tropes that make the story more captivating and relatable. One of the most prominent tropes is the Hero's Journey. Hiccup goes through several stages of this journey, starting with his call to adventure, his refusal of the call, crossing the threshold, and his eventual return as an evolved character. This theme adds depth to Hiccup's character development and makes the audience more invested in his story.

The movie also explores the concept of growing up. Hiccup has matured and grown into a young man who must navigate his place in the world. He struggles with fulfilling his responsibilities as the future chief of Berk while trying to maintain his relationships and figure out who he is. This relatable theme resonates with the audience, making the movie more impactful.

Another essential trope in the movie is that of redemption. We see several characters redeem themselves, including Hiccup's mother Valka, who abandoned him when he was young. The redemption arc adds a layer of emotional complexity to the film, forcing the audience to reconsider their initial judgments of the characters.

The concept of sacrifice is also present in the movie. Hiccup's father, Stoick, makes the ultimate sacrifice to protect his son and his people. This trope emphasizes the importance of familial bonds and the lengths one will go to protect his loved ones.

One of the most notable changes in the second movie is the animation style. The animation is more elaborate and detailed, bringing the world of Berk to life. The character designs are more intricate, and the environments are breathtakingly beautiful. This visual upgrade immerses the audience into the story, making it easier to suspend their disbelief.

The movie's music, composed by John Powell, is another standout factor. The score is emotionally charged and adds an extra layer of depth to the scenes. The themes for the characters are memorable and represent their personality and arc.

In conclusion, How To Train Your Dragon 2 transcends the typical kids' movie by exploring mature themes and sophisticated tropes. It boasts a captivating plot, stunning visuals, and impactful music, making it a well-rounded cinematic experience. If you haven't seen this movie yet, then you're missing out on one of the greatest animated films of all time.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about How To Train Your Dragon 2 Tv Tropes. We hope that you enjoyed it and gained a newfound appreciation for the movie's themes and storytelling techniques. We encourage you to share your thoughts about the movie in the comments section below.

Until next time, keep exploring the world of cinema, and don't forget to embrace your inner dragon!

How To Train Your Dragon 2 TV Tropes

What are the common TV tropes used in How To Train Your Dragon 2?

Some of the common TV tropes used in How To Train Your Dragon 2 include:

  1. The Chosen One: Hiccup is seen as the chosen one who can bring about peace between the dragons and humans.
  2. Parental Abandonment: The main villain, Drago Bludvist, had a rough childhood after being abandoned by his parents and is now obsessed with power.
  3. Bittersweet Ending: The ending of the movie is bittersweet with the death of Stoick, the chief of Berk and Hiccup's father.
  4. Redemption Equals Death: Drago meets his demise after attempting to control toothless and ultimately realizing the error of his ways.
  5. The Big Damn Kiss: Hiccup and Astrid finally kiss in this sequel after years of friendship and flirtation.

What is the plot of How To Train Your Dragon 2?

How To Train Your Dragon 2 takes place five years after the events of the first movie. Hiccup has now grown up and is ready to take over as the chief of Berk from his father, Stoick. He, along with his friends and fellow dragon riders, discover new lands and adventures, but they soon come across a villain named Drago Bludvist, who seeks dragon army to destroy all dragons. Hiccup and his team must now stop Drago and protect their dragon friends while also discovering some surprising truths about themselves and their families.

Is How To Train Your Dragon 2 a good movie to watch?

Yes, How To Train Your Dragon 2 is an amazing animated movie that offers just as much excitement, humor, and heart as the original. Even if you're new to the series, this sequel is definitely worth watching for its stunning animation, engaging story, and lovable characters. Whether you're a fan of dragons or not, you won't be able to resist the magic of How To Train Your Dragon 2.

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