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Discover the Magic of Dragon Eye from How To Train Your Dragon and Unlock the Secrets of the Skies!

Discover the Magic of Dragon Eye from How To Train Your Dragon and Unlock the Secrets of the Skies!

Are you a fan of How To Train Your Dragon? If yes, then you must have heard of the Dragon Eye. This mystical artifact is important to the movie series and its characters. In this article, we will explore everything there is to know about this fascinating object.

First and foremost, the Dragon Eye is a device that contains information about dragons. It is said that whoever possesses this eye can gain knowledge about dragon behavior, characteristics, and weaknesses. Now wouldn't that be useful in real life?

But where did the Dragon Eye come from? Legend has it that it was created by the first dragon rider, Hiccup's ancestor, who used his knowledge of dragons to craft the device. Since then, it has been passed down through generations of dragon riders.

So, how is the Dragon Eye used in the movie series? The dragon riders, Hiccup and his friends, use it to gather information on new dragons they encounter, or to better understand the dragons they already know. It also helps them prepare for battles with their enemies, particularly the villainous dragon hunter, Grimmel.

Speaking of battles, did you know that the Dragon Eye has a special power that comes into play during combat? When activated in battle, the user gains an edge against their opponents. It can display information about the enemy's strengths and weaknesses, helping the dragon rider to strategize and come out victorious.

But not everyone is after the Dragon Eye for noble reasons. In fact, many villains in the movie series seek to obtain the device for their own selfish gain. For example, Drago Bludvist aimed to capture all dragons and rule over them with the help of the knowledge stored inside the Dragon Eye.

Now, you may be wondering, does the Dragon Eye have any limitations? The answer is yes. While it provides a wealth of information, it cannot offer solutions to every problem the characters face. Hiccup and his friends still have to use their ingenuity and bravery to overcome obstacles they encounter on their journey.

One thing that remains a mystery about the Dragon Eye is whether or not it exists in real-life mythology. While dragons themselves are mythical creatures, it is always interesting to learn about the origins of stories and legends.

In conclusion, the Dragon Eye is a powerful tool that plays a significant role in the How To Train Your Dragon movie series. Its ability to provide knowledge and strategy during battles makes it a valuable asset to the dragon riders. However, it also comes with limitations and has been the target of many villains seeking to harness its power. If you're a fan of the movies, don't miss out on this aspect of the storyline!

Dragon Eye From How To Train Your Dragon
"Dragon Eye From How To Train Your Dragon" ~ bbaz

Dragon Eye from How To Train Your Dragon is a unique and fascinating feature in the franchise. It was first introduced in the second movie, How To Train Your Dragon 2 and has since become a significant part of the story. So, what exactly is the Dragon Eye, and what makes it so important?

The Dragon Eye

The Dragon Eye is a spherical object that contains information about all dragons, their abilities, behavior, and weaknesses. It was created by the ancient Bewilderbeast, who possessed the power to control other dragons. The Bewilderbeast used the Dragon Eye to store all the knowledge about dragons in the world, which only a few selected individuals could access.

The Dragon Eye has several colored runes on its surface, which glow when activated. These runes correspond to different types of dragons and give information about their abilities and weaknesses. When the runes shine, images and videos of the corresponding dragons appear inside the Dragon Eye.

Discovery of the Dragon Eye

The Dragon Eye was discovered by Hiccup and his friends during their adventures. At first, they believed it to be a legendary artifact and sought to find it. They eventually found it on the island of Valka, Hiccup's mother, who had been living there for twenty years.

Together with Valka, Hiccup discovered the true significance of the Dragon Eye and how it could help him and his tribe in their fight against the dragon trappers led by Drago Bludvist.

Importance of the Dragon Eye

Knowledge about Dragons

The Dragon Eye gave Hiccup and his friends a deeper understanding of dragons. It helped them uncover the dragons' secrets, such as their abilities, habits, communication methods, and more. This knowledge allowed them to train and communicate with dragons, which previously were thought to be mindless beasts.

The Key to the Dragon World

The Dragon Eye was also the key to unlocking certain secrets of the dragon world. It showed Hiccup and his friends how the dragons migrated and the different types of dragons that exist in the world. They used this knowledge to find new dragon species, explore new territories, and make friends with dragons.

Resistance Against Drago Bludvist

The Dragon Eye helped Hiccup and his tribe fight against Drago Bludvist and his army of dragon trappers. By understanding the dragons' weaknesses, they were able to create more effective weapons and battle plans. They could predict the movements of the enemy army and protect their own community from harm.


In conclusion, the Dragon Eye is an essential element in the How To Train Your Dragon franchise. It provides tons of information about the dragons, their abilities, habits, and behavior. It helps Hiccup and his tribe discover new species, explore new territories, and protect their community from danger. Overall, the Dragon Eye is a symbol of hope and knowledge, representing the power of understanding and communication between humans and dragons.

The Dragon Eye: A Comparison of the Book and Movie Versions


How to Train Your Dragon is a beloved children’s book and movie franchise that captures the imagination of both young and old. In the books, the Dragon Eye is an essential tool for Hiccup as he navigates his way through the world of dragons. In the movies, the Dragon Eye takes on a different role, but still plays a pivotal part in the storyline.

Overview of the Book Version of the Dragon Eye

In the books, the Dragon Eye is a treasure trove of information about all things dragon-related. It is an ancient artifact that has been passed down through generations of Viking chiefs and is considered one of the most valuable items in the tribe's possession. Hiccup uses the Dragon Eye to amass knowledge about various dragon species, their weaknesses, and their strengths. The Dragon Eye helps Hiccup and his friends discover secrets about dragons, such as how to train them more effectively or how to avoid dangerous situations. It also helps Hiccup and Toothless navigate through treacherous waters and find their way home when lost.

Comparison with the Movie Version

While the function of the Dragon Eye remains the same in the movie version, there are significant differences. In the movies, the Dragon Eye is not a book or artifact, but instead a shell that glows and reveals hidden drawings on walls or surfaces. In the movies, it was created by the first dragon rider centuries ago, and only a few people know of its existence. It is sought after by the villainous Drago Bludvist, who sees it as a tool of domination over all dragons.

Features of the Dragon Eye

Both the book and movie versions of the Dragon Eye share several features that make them essential for the story's plot. These include:


The Dragon Eye provides Hiccup with valuable information and insights about dragons, revealing weaknesses and strengths previously unknown. This helps him train his dragon, Toothless, better and helps avoid dangerous conflicts.

Navigational Assistance

The Dragon Eye is a necessary tool for Hiccup and Toothless to navigate through treacherous waters and find their way home when lost. It serves as a compass and map for the duo on their adventures.

Mystery and Intrigue

Both versions of the Dragon Eye hold a certain level of mystery and intrigue as each contain secrets that are yet to be uncovered.


Overall, while there are differences between the book and movie versions of the Dragon Eye, both serve an essential purpose in the story's plot. While the book version is a treasure trove of knowledge about dragons and helps Hiccup navigate his world, the movie version holds the key to unlocking a powerful tool over the dragons. In either version, the Dragon Eye encapsulates the wonder and adventure that How to Train Your Dragon is so loved for.

Tips and Tricks for Training Dragon Eye:


Dragons are fascinating creatures that have captured the hearts of many all over the world. Their mystical and elusive nature has been a topic of literature, mythology, and folklore for centuries. One particular dragon that has been recently popularized is the Dragon Eye from the How to Train Your Dragon franchise. The Dragon Eye is an ancient artifact that was discovered by Hiccup and his team during the events of How to Train Your Dragon 2. It’s a device that has the power to reveal hidden information about dragons, including their abilities and weaknesses. In this article, we’ll provide some tips and tricks on how you can train Dragon Eye to get the best results.

Tip #1: Understanding the Device

Before you start training Dragon Eye, it is important to understand how the device works. You need to know what features it has and how they can be utilized for your benefit. The Dragon Eye has two distinct functions – the map function and the seer function. The map function enables the user to locate different types of dragons. The seer function shows the user detailed information about the dragon in question.

Tip #2: Paying Attention to Details

When you start using the Dragon Eye, it’s important to pay attention to details. The seer function displays an enormous amount of information about the dragon, including its strengths, weaknesses, and behaviors. To use this feature effectively, you must carefully study and analyze this data.

Tip #3: Using the Map Function

The map function on the Dragon Eye is incredibly useful for locating different types of dragons in different regions. To use this function, simply activate the map and search for the type of dragon you are interested in. Once the dragon is located, the Dragon Eye will reveal everything you need to know about it.

Tip #4: Learning from Mistakes

When training Dragon Eye, it’s important to keep an open mind and be willing to learn from your mistakes. The information provided by the device is not always accurate, and there may be room for error. Stay patient and keep trying until you find the right information.

Tip #5: Working with Other Dragon Trainers

Working alongside other dragon trainers can be incredibly helpful when training Dragon Eye. Collaborating with other individuals in the field of dragon training can provide different perspectives and lead to better results.

Tip #6: Experimenting with Different Techniques

To make the most of the Dragon Eye, experiment with different techniques and strategies. There are no hard and fast rules for using it effectively. Keep trying different approaches, and see what works best for you.

Tip #7: Staying Updated

As you continue to train Dragon Eye, ensure that you’re keeping up-to-date with the latest research and innovations in the field of dragon training. This will help you keep up with advancements in technology and ensure that you’re taking advantage of the latest tools available.

Tip #8: Building a Personal Connection with Dragons

To use the Dragon Eye to its full potential, it’s crucial that you build personal connections with the dragons you encounter. Developing an empathetic relationship with the dragons will help you train them more effectively and understand their behavior and motivations better.

Tip #9: Trusting Your Instincts

In the end, it’s essential to trust your instincts when training Dragon Eye. While the device can be an incredible tool, it’s ultimately the trainer’s intuition that leads to success. Trust yourself, and believe in your abilities as a dragon trainer.

Tip #10: Conclusion

These are just some tips and tricks for training Dragon Eye effectively. With patience, persistence, and practice, you can gain a deeper understanding of these fascinating creatures. The Dragon Eye provides an unprecedented level of insight into the world of dragons, and by following these guidelines, you can make the most of this ancient artifact.

Discovering Dragon Eye in How To Train Your Dragon

Thank you for taking the time to read through this article. It has been a pleasure exploring the incredible world of How To Train Your Dragon, with a particular focus on the Dragon Eye item. From its mythological origins to its role within the films and TV series, I hope this piece has given you some insight into the power and significance of this magical object.

The idea of an all-seeing artifact that could aid dragon trainers in their quests is fascinating, and it adds a layer of intrigue to the storylines of HTTYD. The Viking warriors of Berk were already formidable fighters before the arrival of the Dragon Eye, but its abilities took their skills to a whole new level.

As we learned, the Dragon Eye was created by the powerful dragon, the Bewilderbeast, and its existence was kept hidden from most humans. However, its mystical powers were discovered by Hiccup and his friends, who used it to uncover maps, secrets and hidden treasures throughout the series.

The Dragon Eye was also responsible for revealing the backstory of the dragons' origin, which was a major plot point in How To Train Your Dragon 3. In this film, we saw Hiccup and Toothless travel to the hidden world of the dragons, where they found a thriving colony of creatures similar to Toothless. We learned that they are all descended from the original Night Fury dragons, which were being hunted to extinction by humans before their discovery of the Dragon Eye.

The legend surrounding the Dragon Eye will no doubt continue to inspire future generations of fans of fantasy stories. It serves as a symbol of the power of knowledge, and how it can be harnessed for both good and evil. The characters of HTTYD understand that this power comes with great responsibility and that it must be used wisely.

Additionally, the Dragon Eye also represents the strong bond between humans and dragons. The fact that it was created by a dragon and used by humans to protect and care for dragons highlights the importance of empathy and connection for the success of both species.

The detailed animation and design of the Dragon Eye itself is also impressive. It contains intricate carvings and symbols that reflect the complex universe of How To Train Your Dragon. These subtle details add depth to the story and make the world-building more immersive for viewers.

Overall, the Dragon Eye is an integral part of the How To Train Your Dragon franchise, and it has become a beloved symbol of its mythology. Its impact on the characters and plotlines of the films and TV shows cannot be overstated, and it will continue to captivate audiences for years to come.

Thank you again for reading, and I hope this article has provided some new insights into the world of How To Train Your Dragon and the mystery of the Dragon Eye.

People Also Ask About Dragon Eye From How To Train Your Dragon

What is Dragon Eye in How To Train Your Dragon?

Dragon Eye is a device that was created by the Hooligan Tribe's ancestor, Bork the Bold. It's a map of all the known dragon species and their behaviors, habitats, strengths, and weaknesses. It also has information about how to train different dragons and how to defeat them. The Dragon Eye played a significant role in the series as it helped Hiccup and his friends learn more about dragons and ultimately save Berk from various threats.

Where is the Dragon Eye in How To Train Your Dragon?

The Dragon Eye was hidden in different locations throughout the series. In the first movie, it was found in a cave on the Isle of Berk. In the third movie, it was revealed that there were multiple Dragon Eyes, and one of them was hidden on the Hidden World, where all dragons lived peacefully, away from humans.

Why is the Dragon Eye important in How To Train Your Dragon?

The Dragon Eye is essential as it helps Hiccup and his friends gain knowledge about the dragon species they encounter. It also aided them in finding new dragon species and discovering their unique abilities. Without the Dragon Eye, Hiccup and his friends might not have been able to tame all the dragons on Berk and protect their island from invaders like Drago Bludvist and Grimmel the Grisly. Additionally, the Dragon Eye helped them find the Hidden World, which was a legendary place that only a few people knew existed.

Who made the Dragon Eye in How To Train Your Dragon?

The Dragon Eye was created by Bork the Bold, who was an ancestor of Stoick the Vast, Hiccup's father. Bork was the first Berkian to realize that dragons were not just dangerous beasts but also intelligent and trainable creatures. He spent his whole life studying dragons and creating the Dragon Eye, which became a crucial tool for future generations of dragon trainers.

What happened to the Dragon Eye in How To Train Your Dragon?

The Dragon Eye was destroyed in the third movie when Hiccup used it to find the Hidden World. He left the device inside the Hidden World in the hopes of keeping its location a secret and preventing humans from using it for their own purposes. However, it was later revealed that there were multiple Dragon Eyes, so it's possible that others may still exist.

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