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Unleashing the Possessive Side of Toothless: A Comprehensive Guide to How To Train Your Dragon Fanfiction

Unleashing the Possessive Side of Toothless: A Comprehensive Guide to How To Train Your Dragon Fanfiction

If you're a fan of How To Train Your Dragon, chances are you've come across some fanfiction stories featuring the beloved dragon Toothless. But have you ever stumbled upon a story with a possessive Toothless? One that takes things to the next level and explores what happens when Toothless becomes overly attached to his rider?

Well, if you want to write your own fanfiction story featuring a possessive Toothless, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll go over some tips and tricks to help you bring this unique character trait to life and make your story stand out.

The Appeal of Possessive Toothless

First things first, let's talk about why possessive Toothless is such a popular topic in fanfiction. For starters, it's a fascinating exploration of the bond between dragon and rider. We already know that dragons can forge deep connections with humans, but what happens when that connection becomes possessive?

There's also an element of danger and excitement in exploring a possessive Toothless. It adds a layer of tension to the story and creates high stakes for the characters involved. Plus, there's something inherently thrilling about a dragon that will stop at nothing to protect their rider.

Establishing Possessiveness

So, how do you establish that Toothless is possessive in your story? One way is through his actions and behavior. Perhaps he becomes jealous when Hiccup spends time with other dragons or humans. Maybe he refuses to let anyone else ride him or gets agitated when Hiccup is in danger.

You can also use Toothless' body language to convey his possessiveness. Does he wrap himself around Hiccup protectively? Does he growl or snap at anyone who comes too close to his rider? These actions can showcase Toothless' possessive nature without using too much exposition.

Writing Dialogue for Possessive Toothless

If you're going to delve into possessive Toothless territory, it's essential to write dialogue that reflects his unique personality. Remember, Toothless doesn't speak in words, but he can still communicate through body language and sounds.

When writing dialogue for Toothless, think about the types of noises he makes when he's happy, sad, or angry. You can also use his actions as a guide. For example, does he nuzzle Hiccup affectionately or hiss at anyone who gets too close?

Creating Conflict

When writing a story with a possessive Toothless, conflict is essential. After all, what's a story worth reading if there aren't any obstacles to overcome?

One way to create conflict is by introducing a character or situation that threatens Toothless' possessiveness. Perhaps a new dragon comes to the village, and Toothless becomes jealous and defensive. Or maybe Hiccup starts showing more affection to another dragon rider, causing Toothless to act out in fear of losing his rider.

Avoiding Unhealthy Behaviors

It's important to note that possessive behavior in real life is usually unhealthy and even dangerous. When writing a possessive Toothless, it's crucial to avoid glorifying toxic behaviors.

Instead, focus on showcasing how Toothless' behavior is a product of his deep love and attachment to Hiccup. While it may be extreme, it comes from a place of protection rather than controlling behavior.

The Importance of Consent

Another crucial element to keep in mind when writing possessive Toothless is the importance of consent. Just as possessive behavior can be unhealthy in real life, so too can non-consensual actions.

Make sure that Hiccup consents to Toothless' possessive behavior and that it's not forced upon him. This goes for physical actions such as refusing to let anyone else ride him or emotional actions like jealousy or possessiveness.

The Appeal of a Happy Ending

While conflict is essential in any story, it's also important to have a satisfying resolution. When writing a possessive Toothless story, make sure there's a happy ending where everyone gets their wants and needs met.

Perhaps Toothless learns to trust Hiccup and others around him more, or Hiccup reassures Toothless of his love and attachment. Whatever the resolution, make sure that it's a healthy one and doesn't reinforce possessiveness as a desirable trait.


In conclusion, if you're interested in writing a possessive Toothless fanfiction story, there are a few things to keep in mind. Establishing possessiveness through actions and body language, writing unique dialogue for Toothless, creating conflict, avoiding unhealthy behaviors, prioritizing consent, and delivering a satisfying resolution are just a few tips to make your story stand out.

But most importantly, remember that possessive behavior isn't inherently desirable or healthy. While it may be thrilling to explore in fiction, make sure to showcase the negative consequences and prioritize healthy relationships in your writing.

How To Train Your Dragon Fanfiction Possessive Toothless
"How To Train Your Dragon Fanfiction Possessive Toothless" ~ bbaz

How To Train Your Dragon has become a beloved franchise of many fans all over the world. The adventures of Hiccup and Toothless have entranced people of all ages, with their friendship and loyalty to one another. There are numerous fanfictions written about these two characters, but one prevalent type is where Toothless becomes possessive of Hiccup. Here are some tips on how to write an interesting and believable possessive Toothless fanfiction.

1. Know the Character of Toothless

The first thing to consider when writing a possessive Toothless fanfiction is to have a good understanding of the character. Toothless is not a typical dragon; he has a unique bond with Hiccup that goes beyond that of just a pet and an owner. He is intelligent, protective, and fiercely loyal to Hiccup. He has been shown to be jealous in certain situations, such as in the first movie when Hiccup tries to train other dragons. This jealousy can be used as a basis for writing a possessive Toothless story.

2. Set the Scene

The scene is crucial to any fanfiction, whether it is possessive or not. In this case, it is important to set the scene in such a way that the possessiveness of Toothless makes sense. It could be that Hiccup is in danger or surrounded by people who threaten him. Alternatively, Toothless may feel threatened by another dragon or person who tries to move in on his territory.

3. Use Inner Monologues

Inner monologues are a great way to show the thoughts and feelings of a character. For Toothless, this could mean showing his possessive and protective nature. Through his thoughts, the reader will understand why he feels the need to be possessive of Hiccup and why he is willing to go to great lengths to protect him.

4. Show Different Sides of Toothless

Toothless has different sides to his personality, which could be explored in a possessive fanfiction. For example, he can be playful and mischievous or gentle and affectionate. These different sides of him can be used to build up his possessiveness. Perhaps he is usually playful and carefree, but when it comes to protecting Hiccup, he becomes serious and possessive.

5. Don't Make It Too Over the Top

When writing a possessive Toothless fanfiction, it is important not to make it too over the top. Toothless is a dragon, and while he is intelligent and has a unique bond with Hiccup, he still has limits. Making him excessively evil or aggressive would not be believable and would go against his characterization.

6. Develop Other Characters

While the focus of the fanfiction may be on Toothless, it is important to develop the other characters as well. Hiccup’s reactions to Toothless’ possessiveness and how the other characters react to the situation could be explored. This will add depth to the story and make it more interesting for readers.

7. Consider the Consequences

Writing about a possessive Toothless will have consequences, both for Hiccup and Toothless. Consider the long-term impact of the possessiveness. How will it affect their relationship? Will Hiccup be okay with it or try to find a way to change it?

8. Use Dialogue

Dialogue between characters is a great way to show their personalities and how they feel about a situation. Use this technique to show how Toothless communicates his possessiveness and how others react to it. This will help the readers understand the character dynamics better and feel invested in the story.

9. Think About the Reader

When writing any fanfiction, it is important to think about the reader. In the case of possessive Toothless stories, it could be that some readers are uncomfortable with the idea. Consider adding a warning or disclaimer at the beginning of the story to let readers know what they can expect.

10. Ensure That the Plot is Strong

Finally, it is important to ensure that the plot is strong and that there is a reason for writing a possessive Toothless story. This could be for exploring the characters' relationship or for a thrilling adventure. Whatever the reason, make sure that there is a solid plot that will keep readers engaged.

In Conclusion

Writing a possessive Toothless fanfiction can be a great way to explore the characters in more detail and create an interesting story. It is important to have a good understanding of the character's personality, set the scene well and use different techniques to create a believable story. By keeping these tips in mind, you can create an exciting and engaging story that will capture the hearts of your readers.

Comparison between How To Train Your Dragon Fanfiction Possessive Toothless and the Original Toothless

The Introduction

The How To Train Your Dragon franchise has become one of the most popular animation series of all time. The story is centered around a young Viking named Hiccup who befriends a dragon called Toothless. In fanfictions, however, things can get a little bit more complicated. One of the most popular fanfiction tropes in the HTTYD fandom is the Possessive Toothless trope - where Toothless becomes overprotective and possessive of Hiccup. Let's delve into this trope and compare it to the original character of Toothless.

Comparison of Appearance

In terms of appearance, the Possessive Toothless tends to have sharper features and more defined muscles. This is meant to showcase his protectiveness and strength. In contrast, the original Toothless has a softer look and more rounded features, reflecting his gentle and playful nature.


Personally, I find the Possessive Toothless more visually appealing. His fierce and overprotective demeanor is reflected well in his appearance. However, I do appreciate the original Toothless for his adorable and innocent design.

Comparison of Personality

The Possessive Toothless is often portrayed as dark and brooding, constantly on edge and ready to protect Hiccup at any cost. He can be aggressive towards other characters who show any interest in his beloved Hiccup. On the other hand, the original Toothless is shown as loyal, mischievous, and playful. He loves to play with Hiccup and is protective, but not to the same degree as the Possessive Toothless.


While the Possessive Toothless makes for a compelling character, I prefer the original Toothless' personality. His playful and affectionate nature is what makes the character so endearing.

Comparison of Relationship with Hiccup

In fanfictions, the Possessive Toothless has a much more possessive relationship with Hiccup. He often refuses to let anyone else near him and sees Hiccup as his property. In contrast, the original Toothless is shown as being content to share Hiccup with others and doesn't mind when people interact with him.


I find the Possessive Toothless' relationship with Hiccup toxic and unhealthy. The original Toothless' willingness to share his best friend with others makes their friendship that much more heartwarming.

Comparison of Role in the Story

The Possessive Toothless often takes a more central role in stories, sometimes even becoming the main protagonist. He is often depicted as being the one who saves Hiccup from danger. In contrast, the original Toothless is still a crucial part of the story but has a more supportive role.


While the Possessive Toothless may make for a more exciting protagonist, the original Toothless' supportive role showcases his loyalty and devotion to Hiccup.

Comparison of Popularity

Within the HTTYD fandom, the Possessive Toothless trope is significantly more popular than the original Toothless. Fanfictions and art featuring Possessive Toothless tend to generate more views and engagements.


As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions. However, it is understandable why the Possessive Toothless trope is so popular. It creates a sense of tension and drama that can be hard to resist.

Comparison of Overall Impact

The HTTYD franchise has had an enormous impact and has inspired countless fanworks. Both the Possessive Toothless trope and the original Toothless have been a part of this impact, inspiring fandoms and fan communities across the world.


I believe that both iterations of Toothless have contributed significantly to the HTTYD community. Regardless of which iteration you prefer, it's clear that these characters have touched many people's hearts.


In conclusion, the Possessive Toothless trope and the original Toothless are two different interpretations of the same character. While they may appear similar in appearance, their personalities, relationships, and roles within the story are incredibly distinct. It's up to the individual fan to decide which interpretation they prefer.

How To Train Your Dragon Fanfiction: Possessive Toothless Training Tips


Toothless, the Night Fury is one of the most beloved dragons from the animated movie franchise How to Train Your Dragon. Fanfiction writers often explore the bonds between human and dragon and push the boundaries of what is possible in this mythical world. One popular fanfiction trope is that of a possessive Toothless, who takes his protective nature over his human partner to the next level. This article will provide tips on how to write Toothless' possessiveness in a way that feels authentic and engaging.

1. Establishing the relationship

Before diving into the possessiveness of Toothless, it's essential to establish the bond between dragon and human. In the source material, Hiccup and Toothless develop a strong, almost brotherly bond with each other. The film shows this through their playfulness, like Toothless blasting Hiccup with fire and then playfully nudging him, indicating his discretion. It's necessary to have a similar foundation in your fanfiction as well to make the possessiveness of Toothless feel real.

2. Be subtle not Overwhelming

Toothless' possessiveness should never feel overbearing or overwhelming. Instead, it should start subtle and build up to protectiveness, making it more impactful. Often, Toothless displays possessive behavior through territorial marking or aggressive actions towards perceived threats. In a romantic context, it might include growling or baring teeth towards anyone who flirts with his love interest.

3. Stay True To The Character

While Toothless is a mythical creature and fanfiction gives us some freedom, he still has a distinct personality and set of behaviors that writers must keep in mind. For example, while possessive, Toothless always puts his human companion's safety first and above all else. It's vital to stay true to this character trait of Toothless, as it's what makes him so endearing and beloved among fans.

4. Give a Valid reason

When writing possessiveness from Toothless, there should be a reasonable cause for his behavior. Whether it be out of real concern for his human friend or overcompensating for a flaw. Whatever the reason may be, providing a justification for Toothless' possessiveness will make the story more compelling for fans.

5. Balance with Character development

Toothless' possessiveness should not overshadow the character development of either him or his human companion. Instead, use possessiveness as one of many tools for character growth for both individuals. While providing a catalyst for character growth, it is essential to maintain a balance between characterization and scene-building.

6. Use Descriptions

When writing Toothless' possessiveness, descriptions are vital to convey his emotions and actions subtly. Using descriptions in action sequences or describing Toothless' body language can help establish his possessive nature without relying on dialogue.

7. Avoid Over-use of Possession

While possessiveness is an exciting element to include, it's crucial not to overuse it. Too much possessiveness can become repetitive and tedious for readers. Attention must be given to other aspects of the story as well, like world-building or character development.

8. Trim down Descriptions

While describing Toothless' possessiveness is important, including excessive explanations can bog down a scene. So, it's essential to trim down descriptions as much as possible to keep the scene moving and focused.

9. Make an Emotional Connection with Readers

Possessiveness is most effective when there's an emotional connection between Toothless and the reader. If fans care about the characters, they will be more invested in what happens to them. Whether it's through humor, tension, or heartbreak, try to connect with readers emotionally.

10. Add Your Own Touch

Finally, fanfiction is a creative outlet, so don't be afraid to add your own touch to the story. You could explore further elements of Toothless' possessive nature or other dragons that exhibit similar actions towards their human counterparts. With clever writing, you could create a unique perspective on Toothless that sets your work apart from others.


In conclusion, writing Toothless' possessiveness can make for an engaging and exciting fanfiction story. To make the best out of it and improve your writing skills, remember to balance possessiveness with other plot points, keep descriptions subtle & relevant, and remain true to the personality of Toothless. Once you achieve that balance, Toothless' possessive nature could provide a compelling element to your story that audiences won't forget anytime soon.

Exploring Possessive Toothless in How To Train Your Dragon Fanfiction

Since the release of the How To Train Your Dragon franchise, it has captured the hearts of many. Fans fell in love with the story of Hiccup and Toothless, a unique duo that proved that friendship can do wonders. As fans started to write fanfiction stories, one subject that has captured their imagination is the possessive nature of Toothless. In this article, we will explore some of the ways fanfiction writers have portrayed Toothless in their stories.

Possessiveness is not necessarily a bad trait, as it can be a sign of intense love and loyalty towards an individual. However, things can get tricky when it extends beyond those individuals and extends to objects or shared interests. Fanfiction stories have portrayed Toothless as extremely possessive in many situations, and in some cases, it can lead to catastrophic consequences.

One common scenario that fanfiction writers love to explore is when Toothless gets jealous of other dragons. In most of these stories, Hiccup brings home a new dragon to join their community, and Toothless starts feeling left out. This feeling can make him act irrational and aggressive, causing chaos and damage. Writers often use this narrative to bring out the emotional depth of Toothless and show how deeply he cares for Hiccup.

Another common scenario that fanfiction writers love to explore is when Toothless gets possessive of Hiccup. Toothless is raised by Hiccup, and their bond runs deep. In some stories, writers present Toothless as being overly protective of Hiccup to the point of becoming possessive. In these stories, Toothless can become territorial and sometimes even aggressive to anyone who he perceives as a threat to his relationship with Hiccup.

Fanfiction stories aren't afraid to explore darker themes, and some stories present Toothless in a negative light. In some stories, Toothless's possessive nature manifests itself as an obsession. The character becomes so consumed with his need to protect Hiccup that he becomes blinded by his emotions, leading to some major conflicts within the story.

One interesting technique that fanfiction writers use when portraying Toothless as possessive is by giving the character a unique voice. Toothless doesn't speak, but writers find ways to let the audience hear his thoughts and emotions. This technique brings out the complexity of the character and helps the reader understand his motivations.

Overall, Toothless's possessive nature is a fascinating subject that fanfiction writers love to explore. They present different scenarios and outcomes that showcase the uniqueness of this duo's relationship. As a fan of How To Train Your Dragon, reading these stories can provide a fresh perspective on the franchise and deepen the appreciation for the characters.

If you're thinking about writing fanfiction, take time to consider how you want to portray your characters' personalities. Envision scenarios that can highlight their strengths and weaknesses, and don't be afraid to explore darker themes. Fanfiction is a great way to express your creativity and love for a particular franchise, and the community is always open to new perspectives and ideas.

In conclusion, How To Train Your Dragon fanfiction is a wonderful way to dive deeper into the world of these beloved characters. Fanfiction explores different themes, including Toothless' possessive nature, which sheds a new light on the franchise. As fans, we should appreciate the creativity of our fellow fans and continue supporting each other as we embrace our love for this wonderful franchise.

Thank you for reading this article, and I hope it has provided some insight into the world of How To Train Your Dragon fanfiction. Happy reading and writing!

How To Train Your Dragon Fanfiction Possessive Toothless

What is possessive Toothless?

Possessive Toothless is a character trait often used in fanfiction where Toothless exhibits possessive behavior towards his rider, Hiccup.

Why do people write about possessive Toothless?

Some fans enjoy exploring the dynamic between Toothless and Hiccup in a more romantic or protective light, which can lead to possessive behavior from Toothless.

Is possessive Toothless canon?

No, possessive Toothless is not part of the canon universe of How To Train Your Dragon. It is purely a fanfiction concept.

What are common scenarios found in possessive Toothless fanfiction?

Some common scenarios include:

  • Toothless getting jealous of other characters who interact with Hiccup
  • Toothless physically blocking Hiccup from leaving or interacting with others
  • Toothless becoming overprotective in dangerous situations
  • Toothless marking Hiccup as his through scent or physical touch

Is possessive Toothless ever portrayed in a negative light?

Yes, some fanfiction may explore possessive behavior in an unhealthy or negative way. This can include obsessive tendencies, controlling behavior, or even violence towards other characters.

Should I read possessive Toothless fanfiction?

It ultimately depends on personal preference and comfort level with the subject matter. It is important to note that possessive behavior in real life relationships can be harmful and should not be romanticized or normalized.

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