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Discover the Secrets of Training Your Dragon Sand Wraith: A Step-by-Step Guide

Discover the Secrets of Training Your Dragon Sand Wraith: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you a fan of the How to Train Your Dragon franchise? Do you want to train your very own Sand Wraith like Fishlegs did? Then you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll guide you on how to train your very own Sand Wraith from scratch.

First things first, let's talk about the basics. Sand Wraiths are one of the most elusive dragons in the game. They have the ability to disappear into sand dunes and reappear when they please. But don't let their elusive nature fool you. When trained properly, they make great companions and fighters. So, the question is, how do you train one?

The first step in training your Sand Wraith is getting to know it. Spend time observing its character and habits. Does it like to nestle in warm sand dunes? Does it prefer to hunt at night? Understanding your dragon's personality will help you form a bond with it.

Once you've spent enough time observing your Sand Wraith, it's time to start training it. The first thing you should teach your dragon is basic commands such as come, stop, and stay. These simple commands are the foundation of all future training and will make it easier for you to control your dragon in the future.

One important thing to keep in mind when training your Sand Wraith is to be patient. Dragons can be stubborn creatures, and it may take some time for your dragon to follow your commands. But don't give up! Consistent training will pay off in the long run.

Another important aspect of training your Sand Wraith is teaching it how to fight. As with any dragon, Sand Wraiths have their own fighting style. Take note of your dragon's abilities and work with them. Some Sand Wraiths excel in speed and agility, while others have strong jaws and sharp teeth.

Now that your Sand Wraith is trained, it's time to take it out for a flight. Sand Wraiths are fast and agile dragons, making them great companions for those who love to explore. Take your dragon out for a spin and let it stretch its wings.

But before you embark on any adventures with your Sand Wraith, it's important to establish trust between you and your dragon. Trust is crucial when working with any animal, especially powerful creatures like dragons. Make sure your Sand Wraith knows that you're its friend and not its enemy.

To summarize, training your Sand Wraith takes time and patience, but the bond formed between you and your dragon will be worth it. Remember to observe your dragon, teach it basic commands, work with its abilities, establish trust, and above all, be patient. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to becoming an expert Sand Wraith trainer.

So, what are you waiting for? Start training your Sand Wraith today!

How To Train Your Dragon Sand Wraith
"How To Train Your Dragon Sand Wraith" ~ bbaz

The Sand Wraith

The Sand Wraith is one of the most mysterious and elusive dragons in the world of How To Train Your Dragon. Characterized by its ability to move swiftly through sand and blend in with its surroundings, the Sand Wraith is a challenge to find and train. But with patience and dedication, an experienced dragon trainer can unlock the secrets of this formidable creature.

Choosing Your Sand Wraith

Before beginning training, it's important to choose the right Sand Wraith for you. Consider its size, color, and temperament. A timid dragon may be more difficult to train, but could ultimately prove to be a loyal companion. A larger dragon may be more intimidating, but could offer greater protection. Take the time to observe different Sand Wraiths and choose the one that best suits your needs and personality.

Building Trust

Training any dragon requires a strong foundation of trust. The Sand Wraith, in particular, requires patience and consistency in order to feel comfortable with its trainer. Spend time bonding with your Sand Wraith, offering treats and positive reinforcement for good behavior. Once the dragon feels secure with you, it will be more willing to follow your commands.

Making Use of Sand

As its name suggests, the Sand Wraith has a unique ability to travel quickly through sand. This can be both an advantage and a challenge during training. Encourage your Sand Wraith to move freely through sand, but also work on controlling its movements. Use sand dunes and other obstacles to practice agility and balance.

Teaching Commands

As with any dragon, it's important to teach your Sand Wraith basic commands such as sit, stay, and come. These commands can be reinforced with treats and positive reinforcement. Once your Sand Wraith has mastered these basics, it's time to move on to more complex commands such as fly, attack, and defend.

Building Stamina

The Sand Wraith's ability to move quickly through sand requires a high level of stamina. Training sessions should be gradual, increasing in intensity as the dragon builds endurance. Encourage your Sand Wraith to fly for longer distances and at higher speeds. Use obstacles and challenges to keep the training sessions varied and engaging.

Mastering Camouflage

The Sand Wraith's ability to blend in with its surroundings is a powerful defense mechanism. As a trainer, it's important to learn how to identify your Sand Wraith even when it's hidden. Practice recognizing subtle movements and sounds that indicate the presence of the dragon. Use this knowledge to better control and protect your Sand Wraith during training and battle.

Battling Other Dragons

The Sand Wraith is a formidable opponent in battle, but also has vulnerabilities. As a trainer, it's important to understand your Sand Wraith's strengths and weaknesses, and to be prepared for any situation. Practice battling other dragons, both individually and in groups, to give your Sand Wraith experience and confidence in various scenarios.

Forging a Bond

Ultimately, the key to successfully training a Sand Wraith is to forge a strong bond between dragon and trainer. Patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are crucial to building trust and establishing a sense of partnership. With hard work and dedication, the Sand Wraith can become an invaluable asset to any dragon trainer.

Persistence Pays Off

Training a Sand Wraith requires persistence and patience from both dragon and trainer. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way, but with determination, anything is possible. Stay committed to the process, keep an open mind, and always celebrate small victories. In time, you and your Sand Wraith will develop a deep understanding and bond that will last a lifetime.

Comparing How To Train Your Dragon Sand Wraith: A Comprehensive Guide

For avid fans of DreamWorks' How To Train Your Dragon franchise, the Sand Wraith is a popular dragon species in the universe. As an elusive breed found in the hidden caves of the Archipelago, this dragon is known for its sensory abilities and sharp talons. In this article, we will delve into the different aspects of How To Train Your Dragon Sand Wraith and how it compares with other dragon species.

Physical Appearance

The Sand Wraith is a medium-sized dragon with a thin, sleek body and sandy brown scales. It has large, black eyes that are adapted to see in the dark and detect vibrations in the sand. Its wingspan can measure up to 24 feet, making it an agile flier, while its long, sharp talons allow it to grasp prey easily. Compared to other dragons such as the Monstrous Nightmare or Deadly Nadder, the Sand Wraith is certainly not the most intimidating visually.


While the Sand Wraith's physical appearance may not be the most awe-inspiring compared to other dragon species, its unique features make it stand out from the crowd.

Abilities and Skills

As mentioned earlier, the Sand Wraith has extraordinary sensory abilities due to its black eyes and keen hearing, making it perfect for tracking enemies. It also has the ability to create massive sandstorms, making it the perfect dragon for ambush tactics. Its slim build allows it to move quickly through tight spaces and underground tunnels. While it may not have the destructive fire power like the Night Fury or Gronckle, the Sand Wraith's stealthy nature and agility are second to none.


The Sand Wraith's unique abilities and skills make it the perfect dragon for reconnaissance and tactical operations.

Temperament and Personality

The Sand Wraith is known to be a solitary, territorial dragon that prefers to keep to itself. It can be aggressive towards humans or other dragons who invade its territory. However, once trained and tamed, the Sand Wraith can be fiercely loyal and will go to great lengths to protect its rider. They are also highly intelligent and can quickly learn new tricks and commands.


The Sand Wraith may seem difficult to approach at first, but with patience and training, it can become a valuable asset to any dragon rider.

Breeding and Training

Breeding and training a Sand Wraith requires patience and skill. As mentioned earlier, these dragons are not social creatures and prefer to keep to themselves. It takes a lot of effort to gain their trust and form a bond with them. However, once a connection is made, Sand Wraiths are fiercely loyal and obedient. They can learn a variety of skills such as stealth, tracking, and sandstorm generation.


Breeding and training a Sand Wraith can be a rewarding experience for those dedicated enough to put in the time and effort required.

Compared to other Dragons

Dragon Species Physical Appearance Abilities and Skills Temperament and Personality Breeding and Training
Sand Wraith Sleek, sandy brown scales with sharp talons Sensory abilities, sandstorm generation, agility Solitary, territorial, intelligent, fiercely loyal Requires patience and dedication, can learn a variety of skills
Night Fury Black scales, large wings, retractable teeth Camouflage, supersonic speed, fire breath Loyal, playful, fiercely independent Difficult to train, needs mutual trust and respect
Deadly Nadder Vibrant colors, sharp spines, bony frill Spine shooting, strong flight, excellent vision Curious, defensive, territorial Challenging to train, requires firm but gentle handling


While each dragon species has its own unique traits and strengths, the Sand Wraith's sensory abilities and agility help set it apart from other dragons.


In conclusion, the How To Train Your Dragon Sand Wraith may not have the most intimidating physical appearance or the most destructive firepower, but its unique abilities and skills make it the perfect dragon for stealthy reconnaissance and tactical operations. Breeding and training a Sand Wraith is a challenging but rewarding experience for those willing to put in the time and effort required. While each dragon species has its own strengths, the Sand Wraith's sensory abilities and agility help set it apart from the rest.

How to Train Your Dragon Sand Wraith


The Sand Wraith is one of the most challenging dragons to train in the world of How to Train Your Dragon. Known for their sand-blasting abilities and amazing agility, these dragons require a lot of effort, patience, and skill. If you're up for the challenge of becoming a Sand Wraith trainer, here are some tips and tricks to get you started.

Understanding the Basics

Before starting any training sessions, it's essential to understand some of the fundamentals of dragon training. First, every dragon has unique abilities and personalities, and it's crucial to understand what drives your Sand Wraith. Second, positive reinforcement is always more effective than negative reinforcement when training dragons. Positive reinforcement includes treats, praises, and rewards while negative reinforcement involves punishments and scolding, which can cause fear and mistrust in your dragon.

Step 1: Building Trust

Trust is vital in any relationship, and it's no different when it comes to training your Sand Wraith. Start by building trust with your dragon by connecting with them on a personal level. Show them affection, spend time with them, and make sure they know that you're their friend.

Step 2: Basic Commands

Once you've built a strong bond with your Sand Wraith, it's time to teach them some basic commands. Start with simple commands such as come, stay, and sit. Use positive reinforcement when they follow your commands and offer rewards.

Step 3: Sand Blasting Practice

Sand Wraiths are known for their sand-blasting ability, and it's essential to train them to control it better. Start by practicing sand-blasting in a controlled environment such as an enclosed space or a cave. Use treats to encourage them to control their blast and reward them when they do it correctly.

Step 4: Agility Training

Sand Wraiths are also known for their agility, and you'll need to train them to fly through tight spaces and maneuver around obstacles. Create an obstacle course for your dragon and practice with them regularly. Use positive reinforcement when they complete the course successfully.

Step 5: Bonding Time

It's important to spend bonding time with your Sand Wraith regularly. Take them on walks, explore new territories, and play games with them. Show them that you enjoy spending time with them, and they'll reciprocate the affection.

Step 6: Socialization

Introduce your Sand Wraith to other dragons and creatures in the world of How to Train Your Dragon. This will give them exposure to different species, and also builds their socialization skills. You can also introduce them to other dragon trainers and learn from each other.

Step 7: Patience and Persistence

Training a Sand Wraith is not an easy task, and it requires patience and persistence. Be patient with your dragon and understand that they have their own personalities and characteristics. Continue to practice regularly, using positive reinforcement, and you'll see improvements over time.


Training a Sand Wraith requires a lot of effort, patience, and skill. However, with the right approach, anyone can become a skilled Sand Wraith trainer. Remember to build trust, use positive reinforcement, practice regularly, and have patience. And most importantly, enjoy the process of training your Sand Wraith and building a strong bond with your dragon.

How To Train Your Dragon Sand Wraith: Tips and Tricks

Welcome to our guide on how to train your dragon sand wraith! If you're a fan of the How To Train Your Dragon franchise, you're probably already familiar with these elusive creatures. Sand wraiths are known for their incredible speed, agility, and sand-blasting abilities. They're fierce fighters, but they can also be loyal and affectionate companions if you know how to win their trust.

In this article, we'll share some tips and tricks for how to train your dragon sand wraith, from choosing the right dragon to building a strong bond with your new friend.

Choosing Your Dragon

The first step in training your sand wraith is choosing the right dragon. Sand wraiths come in a variety of colors and patterns, each with their own unique personalities and traits. Some sand wraiths are more aggressive and independent, while others are more gentle and social.

When choosing your dragon, think about what kind of personality and skills you want your dragon to have. Do you want a fierce fighter who can hold their own in battle? Or do you want a friendly companion who will stick by your side no matter what?

Keep in mind that sand wraiths can be difficult to train, especially if you're new to dragon training. Consider working with an experienced dragon trainer or seeking advice from other dragon owners before making your choice.

Bonding With Your Dragon

Once you've chosen your sand wraith, it's time to start building a bond with your dragon. This is a crucial step in training, as a strong bond will help you communicate with your dragon and earn their trust.

One way to build a bond with your dragon is through regular training sessions. Spend time with your dragon every day, practicing basic skills like flying, swooping, and dodging obstacles. Use positive reinforcement techniques like treats and praise to reward good behavior and encourage your dragon to try new things.

Another important part of bonding with your dragon is spending quality time together outside of training. Take your dragon on long walks or flights, explore new territories together, and just spend time enjoying each other's company.

Teaching Basic Skills

Once you've built a strong bond with your sand wraith, it's time to start teaching them some basic skills. These skills are essential for any dragon, and will help you communicate with your dragon and keep them safe in the field.

Some basic skills to teach your sand wraith include:

  • Flying and landing on command
  • Following basic commands like stay and come
  • Avoiding obstacles and hazards in the air
  • Defending themselves in battle

Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage your sand wraith to learn these skills, and be patient -- it may take some time for your dragon to master these basic commands.

Advanced Training Techniques

Once your sand wraith has mastered the basics, it's time to move on to more advanced training techniques. These techniques will help your dragon develop their unique skills and abilities, and become a truly formidable fighter.

Some advanced training techniques to consider include:

  • Sand-blasting: Teach your sand wraith how to use their sand-blasting abilities to create sandstorms and confuse their enemies.
  • Agility training: Help your dragon improve their speed, agility, and reflexes by practicing challenging flying maneuvers and obstacle courses.
  • Combat training: Train your sand wraith to fight using their claws, teeth, and tail, and help them develop new combat techniques to outsmart their opponents.

Remember, advanced training can be dangerous, so it's important to work with an experienced dragon trainer and always put your dragon's safety first.

Caring For Your Dragon

Training your sand wraith is just one part of being a good dragon owner. It's also important to take good care of your dragon's physical and emotional needs.

Some ways to care for your dragon include:

  • Feeding your dragon a nutritious diet of fish, meat, and vegetables
  • Providing a comfortable and spacious living area, such as a well-ventilated cave or sheltered area
  • Grooming your dragon regularly to keep their scales clean and healthy
  • Spending quality time with your dragon every day to strengthen your bond

Remember, sand wraiths are intelligent and sensitive creatures, and need love and attention just like any other pet. Show your dragon how much you care by taking good care of them and spending time with them every day.

We hope this guide has been helpful in teaching you how to train your dragon sand wraith. Remember, training a dragon takes time, patience, and lots of love and attention. With the right attitude and approach, you and your sand wraith can become a formidable team, ready to take on any challenge.

Best of luck on your dragon training journey!

How to Train Your Dragon Sand Wraith: FAQs

What is a Sand Wraith in How To Train Your Dragon?

A Sand Wraith is a dragon that is native to the Desert of the Living Dead, featured in the How To Train Your Dragon book series and movies. It has a sand-colored body and wings, with sharp teeth and a club-like tail. The Sand Wraith's unique ability is to burrow itself underground to avoid attacks or ambush prey.

How do I train a Sand Wraith in How To Train Your Dragon?

To train a Sand Wraith in How To Train Your Dragon, you must first earn its trust. Offer it its favorite food, such as rats or geckos, and show patience and kindness. Once it trusts you, teaching it basic commands such as come and stay can begin. Remember to be firm yet gentle, as the Sand Wraith is a proud and powerful creature.

How do I ride a Sand Wraith in How To Train Your Dragon?

To ride a Sand Wraith in How To Train Your Dragon, you must first establish yourself as its leader. This involves completing tasks together, such as flying through obstacles or hunting for food. Once the Sand Wraith recognizes you as its rider, climb on its back and grip onto its spines. Give it clear commands and communicate effectively to ensure a successful flight.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a Sand Wraith in How To Train Your Dragon?


  1. The Sand Wraith is a fast and agile flyer and can easily maneuver through tight spaces.
  2. Its burrowing ability makes it an excellent strategist and allows it to easily escape danger.
  3. The Sand Wraith's tail can be used as a powerful weapon in battle.


  1. The Sand Wraith is susceptible to extreme heat and will become weak or unresponsive in high temperatures.
  2. It can be difficult to earn the trust of a Sand Wraith, as it is a proud creature.
  3. The Sand Wraith's love for hunting can make it difficult to control during a battle.

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