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Unleash the Power of Big Dragons: A Comprehensive Guide to Training Your Dragon 2

Unleash the Power of Big Dragons: A Comprehensive Guide to Training Your Dragon 2

How to Train Your Dragon 2 is one of the most popular animated movies of all time. This movie captured the hearts of audiences around the world with its stunning visuals, heartwarming story, and unforgettable characters. Among the famous characters of this amazing movie is the Big Dragon, a powerful creature that adds more excitement to the entire film.

If you're an avid fan of How to Train Your Dragon 2, you know how challenging it can be to train a Big Dragon. But, don't let that stop you from enjoying this exciting experience. With these tips and tricks, you'll learn how to train your own Big Dragon and become its best friend.

First things first, before you start training your Big Dragon, you should establish a strong bond with it. Creating a bond will help you gain the trust of your dragon, making it easier for you to teach it some tricks.

One technique to use is positive reinforcement. Whenever your dragon follows your instructions correctly, reward it with a treat or a pat on the back. That way, your pet would know you like what it's doing and look forward to pleasing you again in the next training session.

The next step to training a Big Dragon is to teach it basic commands. Commands such as up, down, turn, and stay are important foundations to build your dragon's training upon. Once your pet gets used to these commands, you can challenge it with other tricks such as flying through hoops or carrying heavy objects.

Patience plays an essential role in training your Big Dragon. Remember, your dragon is not here to perform like robots, but to grow and learn by your side. Don't rush the training process. Give your dragon ample time to understand each command and perfect its technique.

Another crucial step is to understand your Big Dragon's nature. Some dragons may be shy and timid, while others love the spotlight and attention. Knowing your pet's character will help you handle it better during training and come up with strategies suitable for its temperament.

It's also essential to ensure your Big Dragon is in good shape physically while undergoing training. Keep your dragon healthy, well-fed, and hydrated. With proper diet and exercise, your pet dragon will have the energy needed to learn new tricks and skills.

To keep the training fun and enjoyable for both you and your dragon, try making a game out of it. Use obstacles, hoops, and other props to create challenges for your dragon. You'll be impressed by how quickly your Big Dragon picks up the tricks and techniques.

Training a Big Dragon is an adventure that requires time, effort, and patience. However, with the right strategy and mindset, you can achieve the impossible. Imagine soaring high in the sky with your giant dragon companion by your side, bringing joy and wonder wherever you go. Isn't that something worth striving for?

In conclusion, training a Big Dragon in How to Train Your Dragon 2 takes perseverance and resilience on your part, but the reward is something unique and worth pursuing. So, grab your snacks, set up your training ground, and let the fun begin!

How To Train Your Dragon 2 Big Dragon
"How To Train Your Dragon 2 Big Dragon" ~ bbaz

How to Train Your Dragon 2 Big Dragon

If you are a fan of the How to Train Your Dragon movie series, then you must be amazed by the different kinds of dragons that exist in the world of Berk. In How to Train Your Dragon 2, we meet bigger and stronger dragons like the Bewilderbeast, which is not only massive but also has the power to control other dragons. In this article, we will explore how to train your dragon 2 big dragon.

Understand the Big Dragon's Characteristics

Training a big dragon is not an easy task. Different dragons have unique characteristics that influence their behavior and how they respond to specific stimuli. Big dragons like the Bewilderbeast require special attention and training. These creatures are powerful and inherently aggressive, making them unpredictable and dangerous if not well handled.

The first step towards training a big dragon is understanding its characteristics. Familiarize yourself with their strengths, weaknesses, behaviors, and needs. This knowledge will help you develop a training plan that suits the dragon's needs and temperament.

Building Trust and Respect

Trust and respect are fundamental in training any animal, and training a dragon is no exception. Building trust starts with establishing a bond with your dragon. Take time to talk to your dragon, give it treats, play with it, and understand its communication cues.

You must also show respect to your big dragon by acting confidently and assertively when handling it. Do not yell or use force when training your dragon as it can make it more aggressive towards you and others.

Teaching Basic Commands

The first command to teach your big dragon is to come to you when called. This command is essential as it keeps the dragon close to you and can be used in emergencies. Start training your dragon to come to you by calling its name and giving it treats every time it comes to you.

You can also introduce other basic commands like sit, stay, and go. The key is to teach one command at a time until the dragon masters it before moving to the next command. Be patient and use positive reinforcement techniques to train your dragon effectively.

Advanced Training Techniques

Once your big dragon masters basic commands, you can start teaching it advanced training techniques like flying, fighting, and hunting. These techniques require patience, time, and consistency from the trainer.

If you are teaching your dragon to fly, start with short flights and gradually increase the distance and duration of the flight. You should also teach your dragon how to fight by introducing it to dummy opponents that do not hurt them. Teach it how to dodge and attack using verbal cues.

Take Caution When Training Big Dragons

Training big dragons can be dangerous and requires caution. Always wear protective gear like helmets and gloves to protect yourself from the dragon's claws and teeth. Do not approach or attempt to train an injured or sick dragon.

When training a big dragon, observe its behavior and reactions closely. If it shows signs of aggression or discomfort, stop the training and consult a professional dragon trainer. Always remember that your safety comes first when handling big dragons.


A well-trained big dragon like the Bewilderbeast can be a powerful ally in battle or protecting your village. Training a big dragon requires a lot of effort, patience, and skill. Understanding the dragon's characteristics, building trust and respect, and teaching basic and advanced commands are critical in training big dragons.

Remember to take precautions when training big dragons and always prioritize your safety. If you follow these guidelines, you can successfully train your How to Train Your Dragon 2 Big Dragon.

Comparing the Big Dragons from How to Train Your Dragon 2


How to Train Your Dragon 2, an animated family movie, has mesmerized viewers with its spectacular visuals and enthralling storyline. One aspect of the movie that stood out was the inclusion of the Big Dragons. These massive beasts take center stage, and their significance is unquestionable. In this blog post, we will compare the two Big Dragons in the movie - the Bewilderbeast and the Red Death.

The Bewilderbeast

The Bewilderbeast is the king of all dragons and governs the behavior of other dragons. Its size and power are massive, and it possesses ice-breathing abilities. The Bewilderbeast is gentle and kind-hearted but can be provoked into action when necessary.

The Bewilderbeast stands tall at 70 feet and weighs approximately 44,000 pounds. Its wingspan extends to a whopping 250 feet, making it one of the largest creatures in the world of animated movies. With its icy breath, the Bewilderbeast can freeze anything in seconds.

Pros of the Bewilderbeast

  1. It has ice-breathing abilities.
  2. The Bewilderbeast is gentle and kind-hearted, making it a perfect friend for humans.
  3. It is one of the largest animated creatures with an impressive wingspan.

Cons of the Bewilderbeast

  1. It can provoke other dragons into attacking, causing destruction.
  2. The Bewilderbeast's size may make it difficult for comfortable housing and transportation.

The Red Death

The Red Death is the primary antagonist in the film and lives up to its name. It is aggressive, ruthless, and bloodthirsty, seeking to dominate and destroy everything in its path. Similar to the Bewilderbeast, the Red Death possesses fire-breathing abilities.

The Red Death is even larger than the Bewilderbeast, standing tall at 80 feet and weighing approximately 60,000 pounds. Its wingspan extends to an incredible 300 feet. The Red Death breathes fire and can shoot flames out of its body, making it extremely dangerous.

Pros of the Red Death

  1. The Red Death's size and power make it a force to be reckoned with.
  2. It can breathe fire, making it capable of destroying entire villages.
  3. The Red Death's ferocity and strength make it an ideal villain for the movie.

Cons of the Red Death

  1. The Red Death is aggressive and bloodthirsty, making it dangerous for humans and other dragons.
  2. Its fiery nature can lead to the destruction of nature and the environment.
  3. The Red Death's size may hinder it from easy transportation and management.


In conclusion, both the Bewilderbeast and the Red Death stand out in their unique ways. While the Bewilderbeast is gentle and has ice-breathing abilities, the Red Death is ruthless and can breathe fire. However, considering their respective pros and cons, the Bewilderbeast emerges as the better dragon. While the Red Death's size and strength may make it an ideal villain, it can cause destruction and harm to society. The Bewilderbeast's power and gentleness make it an excellent companion for humans and even other dragons, while still maintaining a level of authority and governance.

All in all, both dragons remain fascinating and are a testament to the incredible animation and creativity involved in the making of How to Train Your Dragon 2.

How To Train Your Dragon 2 Big Dragon: A Comprehensive Guide


In the world of How to Train Your Dragon, dragons are not only cute and cuddly but also fierce and powerful creatures. In the second installment of the series, How to Train Your Dragon 2, we meet a new character, the Alpha dragon, which is one of the biggest dragons in the franchise. If you are curious about how to train this big dragon, then read on for some useful tips!

The Alpha Dragon – What is it?

Before we start discussing how to train the Alpha Dragon, let’s first understand what it is. The Alpha Dragon is the leader of all dragons in the series. It is humongous in size and has a commanding presence that makes even the fiercest dragons bow down to it.

Getting Started

If you are planning to train the Alpha Dragon, you need to be aware that it is not an easy task. Start by observing the dragon from a distance and try to study its behavior. Once you become familiar with its habits, try to get closer without alarming it.

Earning Trust

The Alpha Dragon is the most powerful dragon in the movie. To win its trust, you cannot simply overpower it. Instead, you have to show it your strength and earn its respect. Be firm but gentle in your approach, and always keep some meat handy as a treat.

Building a Connection

Training the Alpha Dragon requires a strong bond between you and the creature. You need to communicate with the dragon in ways that it can understand. Practice vocal cues and train it to respond to specific commands. Always reward good behavior and discourage bad ones.

Developing Skills

The Alpha Dragon is a powerhouse of skills, and as its trainer, you need to develop a range of skills as well. Training sessions should include flying lessons, breathing techniques, combat training, and more. Gradually increase the level of difficulty to keep the dragon engaged and interested.

Staying Safe

Dealing with such a mighty beast can be dangerous, and your safety should always come first. Always wear protective gear and never try to push the dragon too far. If you see any signs of aggression, immediately back off and let the dragon calm down.

The Importance of Positive Reinforcement

Training the Alpha Dragon is an ongoing process, and positive reinforcement is crucial for its success. Always encourage and praise the dragon for its achievements, no matter how small. With time and patience, the Alpha Dragon will begin to display remarkable progress.

Surround it with Care

Apart from training, providing proper care for the Alpha Dragon is essential as well. Ensure that it is well-fed, clean, and healthy. Surround it with a comfortable environment and toys to keep it mentally stimulated.

Enjoy the process

Working with such a magnificent creature is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Enjoy the journey and savor the moments. Building a relationship with the Alpha Dragon takes patience, love, and commitment.


Training the Alpha Dragon is no easy feat, but with the right approach, patience, and strength, it is possible. Remember that building a strong bond with the dragon takes time, so be patient. In the end, the bond you develop with it will be worth all the effort.

How to Train Your Dragon 2: Big Dragon

If you're a fan of dragons, then How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a must-watch movie for you. With its stunning graphics, action-packed scenes, and heartwarming storyline, this movie offers something for everyone. One of the highlights of the film is the Big Dragon, a massive creature with incredible strength and power. In this blog post, we'll tell you everything you need to know about this incredible dragon, from its origins to its abilities and appearance.

The Big Dragon is also known as the Bewilderbeast, and it plays a crucial role in the plot of How to Train Your Dragon 2. This dragon is the leader of all dragons on the island of Berk, and it's fiercely protective of its kind. The dragon has a unique ability that makes it even more exceptional than other dragons; it can control the minds of other dragons.

The Big Dragon's appearance is impressive. It has pale blue scales, a massive body, and its eyes are a piercing shade of blue. Its most prominent feature is its massive horns that extend from its head. The dragon also has a frill of spikes that runs down the back of its neck, giving it a fearsome appearance.

The Big Dragon's abilities go beyond its ability to control the minds of other dragons. This dragon has immense strength and can breathe a powerful icy blast that freezes everything in its path. This makes it nearly invincible in battle, making it an enemy that not many can compete with.

While the Big Dragon is one of the main attractions in How to Train Your Dragon 2, it's not the only dragon in the movie. The film features various species of dragons, each with unique abilities and characteristics. Among them are the Night Fury, the Deadly Nadder, and the Gronckle, each of which plays a crucial part in the movie's plot.

Throughout the film, we witness the growth of Hiccup, the protagonist of How to Train Your Dragon 2, as he navigates his role as a leader and protector of dragons. As we watch Hiccup mature, we also see the relationship between him and the Big Dragon develop. In the end, Hiccup fulfills his destiny and becomes the master of all dragons, cementing the bond between him and his dragon companion.

If you're interested in learning more about dragons, then How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a great place to start. The movie features a vast array of dragon species, each with unique abilities and characteristics that will enchant you. Not to mention the storyline is compelling, and the characters are lovable and relatable.

In conclusion, the Big Dragon in How to Train Your Dragon 2 is an incredible creature that will capture your attention from the moment you see it on screen. With its impressive appearance, abilities, and role in the plot, this dragon is undoubtedly one of the highlights of the film. If you haven't seen How to Train Your Dragon 2 yet, we highly recommend giving it a watch and immersing yourself in the world of dragons and adventure.

Thank you for reading this blog post about the Big Dragon in How to Train Your Dragon 2. We hope that you've learned something new and interesting about this incredible creature. Remember to keep exploring all things dragon-related, as there's so much to discover and enjoy. We look forward to sharing more exciting content with you in the future, so stay tuned!

People Also Ask about How To Train Your Dragon 2 Big Dragon

What is the plot of How to Train Your Dragon 2?

How to Train Your Dragon 2 is an animated movie that follows the journey of Hiccup and Toothless, who are trying to save the Vikings from an enemy that poses a great threat to the peace of their land. As they discover a secret ice cave that is home to hundreds of wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, they find themselves embroiled in an epic battle to protect their beloved kingdom.

Who is the big dragon in How to Train Your Dragon 2?

The big dragon in How to Train Your Dragon 2 is known as the Bewilderbeast. It is a massive, alpha dragon with the power to control and direct all other dragons in its vicinity, making it one of the most powerful dragons in the franchise.

How was the big dragon defeated in How to Train Your Dragon 2?

The Bewilderbeast was defeated in a battle between Toothless and himself. Toothless successfully overcame the Bewilderbeast’s mind control ability, and with the help of Hiccup, managed to take down the massive dragon by shooting a fire blast that hit the Bewilderbeast's chest cavity, causing it to explode and disintegrate into the ocean.

What message does How to Train Your Dragon 2 give?

How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a story about love, friendship, courage, and loyalty. It gives the message that the bonds of friendship are stronger than anything else in the world and that true friends always stand by each other, no matter what. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting different cultures, beliefs, and ways of life.

Is How to Train Your Dragon 2 suitable for kids?

How to Train Your Dragon 2 is an animated, family-friendly movie that is suitable for kids. It contains some minor violence and scary scenes, but nothing that is too graphic or disturbing for younger viewers. Parents may want to watch the movie with their kids to ensure that they are comfortable with the themes portrayed in the film.

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