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Discover the Ultimate Guide on How to Train Your Dragon to Behave Like Humans

Discover the Ultimate Guide on How to Train Your Dragon to Behave Like Humans

How To Train Your Dragon: Dragons As Humans

Have you ever wished you could own a dragon like in How to Train Your Dragon? Or even better, have your dragon trained like Hiccup's Toothless? Well, here's the good news - you can! It's possible to train your dragon as if they were human. This article will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to know about turning your ferocious beast into a loyal companion.

Step-by-Step Training

Firstly, it’s important to understand that training a dragon can take time and patience. You can't expect overnight success, but with the right approach, you can train your dragon to be a valuable asset. Begin by establishing trust and respect with your dragon. Just like with humans, dragons respond well to positive reinforcement. Therefore, reward them when they do something correctly, and firmly observe acceptable behavior.

Dragon training follows a specific framework. Firstly, train basic commands such as 'sit', 'stay' and 'come.' Once these basic commands are mastered, it's time to move on to more advanced skills. Teach them how to fly on command, and train them to protect you on cue. By having a systematically planned program, you'll see progress over time.

Socialization is Key

Furthermore, socializing your dragon is vital. Introduce them to other animals and people. By doing so, you'll teach them to coexist harmoniously with others around them. However, don't forget that dragons are territorial creatures, so establish boundaries ahead of time. Ensure that you have the proper permit or documentation needed before introducing your dragon to others.

Health and Care

You could successfully train your dragon, but without proper care, they may still pose a risk to you or others. It's essential to keep the required maintenance schedule for your dragon. Maintaining their physical and mental hygiene is necessary. Schedule regular vet appointments as you do with other pets to ensure that they stay healthy.

Choosing the Right Dragon

Not all dragons are trainable. Some species are aggressive and challenging, meaning it's highly unlikely they'll cooperate well in training. Ensure you choose the right species that is a good fit for training. Some of the best species for training include Night Fury, Monstrous Nightmare, and Deadly Knobble.

Encouragement and Positive Reinforcement

Encouraging your dragon and providing positive reinforcement goes a long way. When they know they're loved and valued, they'll naturally respond positively. In addition, allow room for mistakes. Similar to human beings, dragons are individual creatures with unique personalities. Give them the freedom to be themselves occasionally.

Experience Counts

The more experienced you are with dragons, the greater the chance of producing better results. Therefore, it's vital that you immerse yourself in as much information about dragons as possible. Articles, books, videos, and online forums will give you insights into what other dragon enthusiasts have experienced.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, training your dragon is achievable with effort and patience. With the correct approach, techniques, and knowledge, you can train your dragon like Hiccup trained Toothless. However, never forget to maintain safety measures when dealing with any animal. Remember, it's a long term process that takes dedication and the ability to modify your approach when needed. So, why not give it a go and see what the results will be?

How To Train Your Dragon Dragons As Humans
"How To Train Your Dragon Dragons As Humans" ~ bbaz


The movie, How To Train Your Dragon, has captivated audiences all around the world with its beautiful animation and heartwarming story. One of the most intriguing aspects of the movie is its depiction of dragons as creatures that can be trained and even befriended by humans. In this article, we will explore how to train your dragon as a human, just like Hiccup did in the movie.

Understanding Dragons

The first step in training a dragon is to understand them. Dragons are magical creatures that are both powerful and fiercely independent. They are also very intelligent and have their own unique personalities. In order to successfully train a dragon, you need to get to know their likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and establish a strong bond with them based on respect and trust.

Building Trust

Building trust with a dragon requires patience and persistence. You should always approach them with respect and avoid any sudden movements that might scare them. Offer them food, talk to them, and let them smell you so they can get used to your presence. Over time, they will start to see you as a friendly human and be more willing to interact with you.

Learning Their Language

Dragons communicate with each other in ways that humans don't usually understand. However, with some observation and practice, you can start to learn their language. Watch how they move their bodies and respond to different situations. Listen to the sounds they make and try to mimic them. Gradually, you will start to understand their communication patterns and be able to communicate with them yourself.

Training Techniques

Once you've built a strong bond with your dragon and established a basic level of communication, you can start to train them using a variety of techniques. Here are some examples:

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement involves rewarding your dragon for good behavior. Whenever they do something that you want them to do, like responding to a command or performing a trick, give them a treat or praise them. This will reinforce the behavior and encourage them to do it more often.

Clicker Training

Clicker training is a popular technique used to train animals of all kinds. It involves using a clicker to mark the exact moment when your dragon does something you like, and then following up with a reward. This helps your dragon learn which behaviors are desirable and encourages them to repeat them.

Target Training

Target training involves teaching your dragon to touch a specific target with their nose or paw. You can use this technique to train your dragon to do a variety of tricks and behaviors, like spinning in circles or jumping through hoops.


Training a dragon as a human may seem like a daunting task, but with patience, persistence, and a lot of love, it can be done. By understanding your dragon, building trust, and using positive training techniques, you can develop a strong bond with your dragon and allow them to thrive in their new human environment. Who knows, you may even end up with your own Toothless!

How To Train Your Dragon Dragons as Humans: A Comparison


Have you ever wondered how training a dragon would compare to training a human? Perhaps not, but in this article we will explore the similarities and differences between raising dragons and raising children. We will discuss various aspects of both, including communication, discipline, and bonding.


When it comes to communication, there are some obvious differences between dragons and humans. Dragons do not speak our language, which can make it difficult to understand their needs and desires. However, they are able to communicate in other ways, such as body language and sounds. Humans, on the other hand, are able to speak and understand the language of their parents or guardians. This means that communication is generally easier between humans, although misunderstandings can still occur.

Table Comparison: Communication

| Aspect | Dragons | Humans ||----------------|--------------|----------------|| Language | Do not speak | Speak and hear || Alternatives | Body language, sounds | Nonverbal cues, tone || Difficulty | Very difficult | Generally easy || Misunderstandings | Common | Possible |


Disciplining a dragon is vastly different from disciplining a human. With humans, there are clear rules and consequences that they can understand and follow. With dragons, it is a bit trickier. They do not have the same cognitive abilities as humans, so punishment can be more complicated. Instead of punishing them for bad behavior, it may be necessary to redirect them towards more positive behaviors.

Table Comparison: Discipline

| Aspect | Dragons | Humans ||----------------|--------------|----------------|| Understanding | Limited | Full || Punishment | Not effective | Effective || Redirecting | Effective | Not as necessary |


Both dragons and humans can form strong bonds with their caregivers. However, the nature of those bonds is different. With humans, there is an emotional bond that is fostered over time through positive experiences and interactions. With dragons, the bond is more physical in nature. This is because dragons are tactile creatures and enjoy physical touch.

Table Comparison: Bonding

| Aspect | Dragons | Humans ||----------------|--------------|----------------|| Emotional Bond | No | Yes || Physical Bond | Yes | No |


In conclusion, while there are some similarities between training dragons and raising humans, the differences far outweigh them. Humans have the ability to communicate and understand rules and discipline, whereas dragons need a different approach. However, the physical bond that can be formed with a dragon is unique and cannot be matched. Both dragons and humans make wonderful companions, just in different ways.

How to Train Your Dragon: Dragons as Humans


Did you ever imagine what it would be like to train a dragon to behave like a human? While training a dragon may sound fanciful and impossible, the good news is that it can be done. By following some simple steps, you can teach your dragon how to interact like a human and coexist peacefully with people. In this tutorial, we will show you how to train your dragon to act like a human.

Step 1: Build a Strong Relationship

The first step to training your dragon to act like a human is to build a strong relationship with him. Spend time with him, feed him regularly, and play with him. Do not punish him or yell at him if he makes mistakes, but instead, reward him for good behavior. Show him that you love and care for him, and he will reciprocate those feelings.

Step 2: Teach Basic Commands

The next step is to teach your dragon basic commands, just like you would teach a pet dog. Start with simple commands, such as Sit and Stay, and gradually progress to more complex ones like Roll over and Fetch. Use positive reinforcement to encourage your dragon to follow these commands. Reward him with treats or praise whenever he does something right.

Step 3: Establish Boundaries

It is essential to set clear boundaries with your dragon right from the start. Let him know what is acceptable behavior and what is not. For instance, you may want to set rules about where he can and cannot go or what he can and cannot eat. Be firm but gentle when enforcing these boundaries and avoid punishing him excessively.

Step 4: Socialize Your Dragon

Socialization is an essential part of training your dragon to act like a human. Introduce him to people and other dragons while he is young, so he gets used to being around them. This way, he will be comfortable around strangers and will not be aggressive or scared towards others.

Step 5: Encourage Positive Interactions

Encouraging positive interactions with humans and other animals is another crucial aspect of training your dragon to behave like a human. Reward him for good behavior, such as when he plays nicely with others or interacts peacefully with humans. Positive reinforcement will help him adopt these habits and make them second nature to him.

Step 6: Teach Household Chores

Teaching your dragon how to perform household chores is also possible. For instance, you can teach him how to roam around the house with dishes during mealtime or clear the table once everyone finished eating. However, don't expect him to be excellent from the beginning; it takes time and patience.

Step 7: Keep Your Dragon Busy

Ensure that your dragon is always engaged. Give him toys and puzzles to keep him entertained. Dragons are intelligent creatures and need mental stimulation. A bored dragon may become destructive, so keep him stimulated to avoid this.

Step 8: Consistency is Key

Consistency is vital when it comes to training your dragon to behave like a human. Once you have established rules and behaviors, stick to them so that your dragon can learn them properly. If you start changing commands or expectations midway, your dragon may become confused and unresponsive.

Step 9: Reward Good Behavior

Reward your dragon for exhibiting good behavior. Praise him often and offer him treats when he follows the rules. A happy and content dragon is more likely to do what you ask of him. However, it is essential to be consistent about what behavior deserves a reward; otherwise, your dragon may become unpredictable.

Step 10: Practice Makes Perfect

Finally, remember that training your dragon to behave like a human is not a one-time task. It takes time, patience, and practice to get it right. Set realistic expectations and keep at it, and soon enough, your dragon will start behaving like the humans he interacts with.


In conclusion, while it may seem impossible to train a dragon to behave like a human, it's possible. By following these simple steps, you can teach your dragon how to interact like a human and coexist peacefully with people. Remember, building a strong relationship, teaching basic commands, socializing your dragon, rewarding good behavior, and practicing consistency are keys to success.

How To Train Your Dragon: Turning Dragons Into Humans Guide

Greetings to all fans of How to Train Your Dragon franchise! We know that you cannot get enough of the legendary Berk and its inhabitants. Today, we'll discuss How to Train Your Dragon dragons as humans. Yes, that's right! You read it correctly. In this guide, we'll walk you through step-by-step on how to transform your dragon into a human being like Toothless in the movie.

First thing first, it's essential to understand why you want to turn your dragon into a human. Is it because you want your dragon to fit in better with your society or because you want to make your dragon look cute? Whatever reason it may be, remember to do it only for the benefit of your dragon, not for your sake.

The next step is to watch your dragon closely. Observe their behavior, movements, and habits. It would help if you got to know everything about your dragon before undergoing the transformation process. This way, you can predict their response to the change and adjust accordingly.

The transformation process involves extensive training, and as a trainer, you need to possess patience and dedication to see it through. Begin by teaching your dragon human language and familiarize them with human customs. Take them on walks and expose them to human surroundings where they can learn human behaviors and expressions.

It is essential to note that the transformation process takes time, so don't expect your dragon to transform overnight. Persistence is key, and just like in any training, rewards work better than punishment. Every milestone should be celebrated, and every mistake should be turned into a learning experience.

Now, let's talk about physical transformation. You can use different forms of magic, such as alchemy or sorcery, to achieve this. However, it's essential to note that magic has its consequences, and it's not for everyone. If you don't have the knowledge or skills necessary to perform magic, it's best to seek help from a professional magician or sorcerer.

Once your dragon has transformed into a human, they should be treated like any other human. They'll need everything that humans need, such as food, shelter, and clothing. It would help if you took care of them like you would any other person. Ensure that they feel included and loved in your society, and they will adapt and thrive well.

Don't forget that the transformation process might come with disadvantages. For example, the dragon may lose some of their strengths and abilities, which can be life-threatening if they're not prepared to face any danger. Additionally, transforming your dragon into a human means losing the trust and bond that you had built with them over time. So before making the decision, weigh the pros and cons carefully.

In conclusion, how to train your dragon into a human is an exciting but challenging process. However, with patience, dedication, and willingness to learn, the results can be worth it. Remember that training your dragon into a human doesn't make them any less of a dragon; they'll always carry their dragon instincts within them. Good luck with the training, and we hope for good outcomes in the end.

Thank you for reading our guide. We hope it was helpful in your dragon training journey. For more tips and tricks on how to train your dragon, stay tuned for our next blog post.

How To Train Your Dragon: Dragons as Humans

What are the different types of dragons in How to Train Your Dragon?

In the How to Train Your Dragon franchise, there are numerous dragon species each with their unique appearance and abilities. Some of the popular ones include:

  • Night Fury
  • Deadly Nadder
  • Gronckle
  • Monstrous Nightmare
  • Hideous Zippleback

Can you train a dragon like in How To Train Your Dragon?

In reality, dragons don't exist, so you can't train them as depicted in the movie. However, training any animal requires consistency, patience, love, and positive reinforcement.

What is the personality of Toothless, the Night Fury dragon in How To Train Your Dragon?

Toothless is portrayed as a loyal, intelligent, friendly, and powerful dragon. He is also very mischievous, curious, affectionate, and playful with his owner, Hiccup.

How do you draw a dragon like in How to Train Your Dragon?

If you want to draw a dragon like in How to Train Your Dragon, you can use various techniques such as sketching, shading, and adding details. You can also follow tutorials online or take art classes to improve your skills. Practice and patience are essential to develop your art skills.

How many How To Train Your Dragon movies are there?

There are three How to Train Your Dragon movies in the franchise: How to Train Your Dragon (2010), How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014), and How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019).

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