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Unleash Your Dragon Trainer Skills: Step-by-Step Guide to Train Your Bewilderbeast

Unleash Your Dragon Trainer Skills: Step-by-Step Guide to Train Your Bewilderbeast

How To Train Your Dragon Bewilderbeast

Are you a fan of the popular animated movie How To Train Your Dragon? Then you must have been intrigued by the mighty Bewilderbeast, the largest and most powerful of all dragons that live on Berk Island. But have you ever wondered how to train one? In this article, we'll take a closer look at what you need to know about taming and training the mythical creature called the Bewilderbeast.

First off, let's clarify the basics. The Bewilderbeast belongs to the Strike Class of dragons, known for their sharp senses and sonic abilities. It has a hypnotic power that can control other dragons, making it an alpha dragon that leads the entire community of dragons. Now, the question is: How do you become the master of this beast?

The first step in taming a Bewilderbeast is to establish a bond with it. Offer it food like fish, meat, and berries that are not harmful to it. Spend time with the dragon and show it that you mean no harm. Once the Bewilderbeast gets used to your presence, you can start to explore its habits and traits.

One key thing to remember when training a Bewilderbeast is that it responds well to positive reinforcement. Praising the dragon when it performs well or shows signs of obedience will encourage it to repeat the behavior. On the other hand, negative reinforcement such as harsh words or punishment can make the Bewilderbeast aggressive and defiant.

Another essential factor in training a Bewilderbeast is to understand its body language. When the dragon is calm, its eyes will be blue, and its breath will be frosty. If it feels threatened or aggressive, its eyes will turn red, and its breath will be fiery. Knowing when to back off and when to proceed is crucial in establishing a good relationship with the Bewilderbeast.

Apart from understanding the Bewilderbeast's nature, you need to equip yourself with the right tools to train it properly. Use a dragon whistle or other sonic devices to communicate with the Bewilderbeast. You can also use non-verbal cues like hand gestures or physical touch to convey your intentions to the dragon.

Training a Bewilderbeast might seem daunting at first, but with patience and persistence, it can become an enjoyable experience. Remember to break down the training into manageable steps, celebrate small victories, and foster a positive environment for the dragon to thrive.

Lastly, when it comes to building a lasting bond with the Bewilderbeast, trust is essential. You must earn the dragon's trust by being consistent in your actions, respecting its boundaries, and always acting in its best interests. With trust comes loyalty and friendship, which makes training a Bewilderbeast a meaningful and rewarding endeavor.

In conclusion, taming and training a Bewilderbeast requires dedication, knowledge, and patience. It's an exhilarating journey that comes with a great responsibility. But if you put in the effort and show the dragon the respect and love it deserves, you'll have a loyal and powerful companion for life. So, what are you waiting for? Start your Bewilderbeast training today!

How To Train Your Dragon Bewilderbeast
"How To Train Your Dragon Bewilderbeast" ~ bbaz


How To Train Your Dragon Bewilderbeast is one of the most exciting things that you could do as a dragon trainer. The Bewilderbeast is an extraordinary creature that only responds to certain commands and requires specific training techniques to become responsive to you. In this article, we will discuss how to train your Bewilderbeast and become its true master.

The First Steps

The first step in training your dragon is building a positive relationship with it. You want to create a bond based on trust, so you need to spend as much time as possible with your Bewilderbeast. Begin by speaking to your dragon in a calm, soothing voice and offering treats, such as fish or meat. Observe your dragon's body language and learn to recognize signs of stress or unease. This will help you adapt your approach and minimize distress.

As you develop a relationship with your dragon, teach it simple commands, such as sit or stay. Reward your dragon with its favorite treat when it follows these commands. This will help condition your Bewilderbeast to respond positively to your instruction, creating a foundation for future training.

Training Techniques

Flying Training

One of the most important skills for a Bewilderbeast to learn is to fly safely and efficiently while carrying a rider. This requires rigorous training to ensure your dragon understands the principles of flight, as well as your commands as the rider. Begin training in a controlled environment using a harness or satchel to simulate a rider. Over time, gradually introduce more complex maneuvers and situations until your Bewilderbeast is comfortable and confident while flying.

Combat Training

A Bewilderbeast is also an excellent combat dragon, capable of taking on multiple opponents at once. By teaching your Bewilderbeast essential combat skills, you will ensure that it remains unbeatable in battle. Begin by teaching simple commands such as attack and defense. Once your dragon has mastered these commands, move on to more complex maneuvers, such as dodging or evasive flying. With enough practice and training, your Bewilderbeast will become a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

Building Confidence

Bewilderbeasts are incredibly intelligent creatures, but they are also sensitive and can become easily discouraged. It is crucial to build confidence in your Bewilderbeast by providing it with positive reinforcement and encouragement. Keep training sessions short and consistent, offering treats and praise for every success. Avoid punishments or negative feedback as this will only discourage your dragon further.


The key to training your Bewilderbeast is patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of your dragon's unique personality and needs. With time, dedication, and love, your Bewilderbeast will become unbreakable, loyal, and unstoppable.

Remember always to stay calm, communicate effectively, and build a positive relationship. And above all, never forget that dragons are not just pets; they are partners in the adventure of a lifetime.

How To Train Your Dragon Bewilderbeast: A Comparison Guide

The Dragon World of How to Train Your Dragon

How to Train Your Dragon has introduced us to a whole new world of dragons with different powers, sizes, and colors. Among these majestic beasts is the Bewilderbeast, which stands out as the biggest and most powerful dragon in the franchise. As the alpha dragon, it commands respect and loyalty from other dragons and its ability to control them makes it feared and revered by both humans and dragons alike. In this article, we will be comparing the Bewilderbeast from the first film and the sequel to identify the similarities and differences.

Bewilderbeast Size and Appearance

The Bewilderbeast in the first movie was depicted as a massive creature with an imposing and intimidating appearance. It had bluish-gray scales, large horns, and a crown of spikes on its head. It was also larger than any other dragon in the franchise, measuring up to 300 feet long with a wingspan of 500 feet. In contrast, the Bewilderbeast in How to Train Your Dragon 2 was a darker shade of blue with sharper and more defined features. It was smaller than its predecessor, measuring only around 120 feet in length and with a wingspan of 200 feet.

Bewilderbeast Abilities

The main ability of the Bewilderbeast is sonic blasting, which can freeze other dragons and create ice structures. The Bewilderbeast's roar is also powerful enough to intimidate even the most fearless opponents. In the first movie, the Bewilderbeast was shown to be able to control other dragons, making them obey its every command. This demonstrates its dominance over other dragons and cements its position as the alpha dragon. In How to Train Your Dragon 2, it was revealed that the Bewilderbeast had the power to melt ice using its breath.

Dragon Racing

The sequel introduced Dragon Racing, a tournament in which dragons and their riders compete to be the fastest and win prizes. In the movie, Toothless and Hiccup entered the tournament and won, proving their worth and agility as skilled riders. However, the Bewilderbeast did not participate in the competition, and we do not see it interact much with the other dragons in the movie.

Bewilderbeast Personality

The Bewilderbeast is known for its regal and commanding presence. It demands respect from others and can be assertive and aggressive when necessary. Its leadership skills are demonstrated by its ability to control other dragons and make them obey its commands. In both movies, the Bewilderbeast is shown to have a strong bond with its rider, who it trusts and protects at all costs.

Bewilderbeast vs Other Dragons

When pitted against other dragons, the Bewilderbeast is virtually unbeatable. Its size and sonic blasts make it a formidable opponent that other dragons hesitate to challenge. In the first movie, it fought and defeated the Night Fury Toothless, who until then was considered one of the most powerful and fast dragons. However, in How to Train Your Dragon 2, Toothless manages to defeat the Bewilderbeast with the help of the alpha dragon's own dragons.

Bewilderbeast Loyalty

Loyalty is a crucial theme in the How to Train Your Dragon franchise, and the Bewilderbeast exemplifies this to the fullest. The Bewilderbeast is fiercely loyal to its rider, and it will go to great lengths to protect them. In the sequel, its loyalty to Drago, its new rider, conflicts with its loyalty to Valka, Hiccup's mother, and its original rider.

Bewilderbeast Defeat

Bewilderbeasts are formidable creatures that can be difficult to defeat. In the first movie, it took the combined efforts of Hiccup and Toothless to take down the Bewilderbeast. In the sequel, it was defeated by Hiccup and his friends using a combination of cunning, strategy, and brute force. The Bewilderbeast's defeat showed that even the most powerful creatures can be defeated with teamwork and determination.

Table Comparison

Comparison Bewilderbeast in How to Train Your Dragon Bewilderbeast in How to Train Your Dragon 2
Size and Appearance 300 feet long, bluish-gray scales, larger than any other dragon in the franchise 120 feet long, darker shade of blue, smaller than its predecessor
Abilities Sonic blasting, ice creation, dragon control Sonic blasting, ice melting, dragon control
Dragon Racing Not shown participating in the tournament Not shown participating in the tournament
Personality Regal, commanding, assertive, aggressive Regal, commanding, assertive, aggressive
Defeat Defeated by Hiccup and Toothless Defeated by Hiccup and his friends


The Bewilderbeast is a formidable and majestic creature that has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. Despite its differences in appearance and abilities between the first and second movie, it remains a dominant alpha dragon that demands respect and loyalty from other dragons. Whether it's battling other dragons or protecting its rider, the Bewilderbeast exemplifies what it means to be a powerful and loyal dragon in the world of How to Train Your Dragon.

How To Train Your Dragon Bewilderbeast


The Bewilderbeast is a majestic and powerful dragon that serves as the alpha of all dragons. It was first introduced in the How to Train Your Dragon movie series and has captured the imagination of dragon lovers everywhere. While it may seem daunting to train such a formidable creature, with patience, dedication, and the right approach, anyone can learn how to train their own Bewilderbeast.

Understanding the Bewilderbeast

Before embarking on a training program, it is essential to understand the nature and temperament of the Bewilderbeast. This dragon is the leader of all other dragons and commands tremendous power and strength. It is also incredibly intelligent and perceptive, which makes it challenging to deceive or manipulate. However, with proper handling and care, the Bewilderbeast can become a loyal and devoted companion.

Establishing Trust

The first step in training your Bewilderbeast is building trust. You must demonstrate yourself as a leader that your dragon can trust fully. Take time to get to know your dragon, observe its behavior, and understand its needs. Engage in bonding activities like grooming, feeding, and playing, which will help develop a closer connection between you and your dragon. Show appreciation for small gestures, and praise good behavior which will help build a bond.

Basic Commands

Once you have established trust, you can begin teaching basic commands. The Bewilderbeast is highly intelligent and can quickly grasp new concepts but needs constant motivation and positive reinforcement. Begin with simple commands such as sit, stay, lie down, and come. Use treats, toys or words of affirmation as positive reinforcement, which will enhance your dragon's obedience.

Advanced Training

As your dragon becomes more adaptable, you can move on to more advanced training. Complex commands like flying, breathing fire, and performing acrobatic moves require patience, practice, and lots of positive reinforcement. Create a consistent training routine, and regularly review previous lessons to ensure mastery.

Tips on Physical Care

In addition to training, Bewilderbeasts require proper care and maintenance. These dragons need adequate space for movement, rest, and exercise. Provide a comfortable living environment with proper ventilation, high ceilings, and enough light to promote healthy growth. Clean your dragon's area regularly and make sure to provide adequate food and water. Ensure regular check-ups with a vet to identify and treat any health issues.

Ensuring Safety

Bewilderbeasts are massive and powerful dragons that require proper handling to ensure safety. Always approach your dragon cautiously and avoid sudden movements that may startle them. Use protective gear during training sessions, such as gloves, boots, and armor. Bewilderbeasts also enjoy open areas, so be sure to keep them away from crowded or dangerous areas.


Training a Bewilderbeast requires patience, dedication, and consistency. With the right approach, anyone can teach their dragon basic commands, advanced training, and physical care, ensuring a lifetime bond between pet and owner. Understand the dragon's nature and temperament to establish trust, create a consistent training routine, and ensure proper physical care. Finally, always prioritize safety for you and your Bewilderbeast.

How to Train Your Dragon Bewilderbeast: A Comprehensive Guide

Greetings, fellow dragon trainers! Are you ready to add a Bewilderbeast to your dragon army? These majestic creatures are the largest and most powerful dragons in the How to Train Your Dragon universe. But don't be intimidated! With our comprehensive guide, you'll soon be able to train your own Bewilderbeast like a pro.

First things first: where can you find a Bewilderbeast? These dragons are rare, but not impossible to find. They're usually found in icy regions, such as the Snow Wraith Island or Glacier Island. Keep in mind that they're also very territorial, so approach with caution.

Once you've found a Bewilderbeast, it's time to establish a bond with it. Bewilderbeasts are intelligent creatures that respond well to kindness and patience. Talk to it, offer it food, and give it time to get to know you. After a while, it may even allow you to touch it.

A crucial step in training your Bewilderbeast is learning how to ride it. Considering its massive size, this may seem daunting. However, with practice and the right equipment, it can be done. Build a saddle that can support both you and your Bewilderbeast's weight, and practice mounting it on the dragon's back. Once you're comfortable, it's time for takeoff!

Bewilderbeasts are known for their ice breath, which they use to control other dragons. This ability is incredibly useful in battle, but it can also be dangerous if not used properly. Teach your Bewilderbeast to use its ice breath only when necessary, and only against hostile dragons.

Another aspect of training your Bewilderbeast is teaching it specific commands. Bewilderbeasts are intelligent dragons that can learn a wide range of commands, from flying in formation to charging into battle. Use rewards and positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and discourage bad habits.

It's important to remember that Bewilderbeasts are not just weapons or tools - they're living creatures that deserve respect and care. Make sure you provide your Bewilderbeast with proper nutrition, exercise, and shelter. And don't forget to show it affection!

Training a Bewilderbeast can be a long and challenging process, but the rewards are worth it. With patience and dedication, you'll be able to form a bond with one of the most powerful dragons in the How to Train Your Dragon universe. Good luck, and happy dragon training!

Thank you for reading our guide on how to train your Bewilderbeast. We hope that you've found it helpful and informative. Remember, training a dragon is not easy, but with the right approach, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

If you have any questions or comments about this guide, please feel free to leave them below. We'd love to hear from our fellow dragon trainers and help in any way we can!

Happy dragon training!

People Also Ask About How To Train Your Dragon Bewilderbeast

What is a Bewilderbeast?

A Bewilderbeast is a giant, alpha dragon species that appears in the movie How to Train Your Dragon 2. They are said to be the most powerful and revered dragons in the Viking world.

How big is a Bewilderbeast?

A Bewilderbeast can grow up to 100 feet tall and has a wingspan of over 200 feet. They are larger than any other dragon species in the Viking world.

How does a Bewilderbeast control other dragons?

A Bewilderbeast has the power to emit an icy blast that can freeze other dragons in place. When a Bewilderbeast becomes the alpha dragon, it uses this ability to control the minds of other dragons and make them obey its commands.

What is the relationship between a Bewilderbeast and a dragon rider?

A Bewilderbeast chooses a dragon rider to be its human counterpart, known as the Dragon King or Queen. The Dragon King or Queen has a special bond with the Bewilderbeast and can communicate with it telepathically. They work together to protect their tribes and defeat their enemies.

What happened to the Bewilderbeast in How to Train Your Dragon 2?

In How to Train Your Dragon 2, the main antagonist, Drago Bludvist, controlled a Bewilderbeast using a Dragon Eye and used it to attack the Vikings and their dragons. Towards the end of the movie, Hiccup and Toothless fought against Drago and the Bewilderbeast in a final battle, which resulted in the death of the Bewilderbeast.

Can a Bewilderbeast be trained?

While it is possible to approach a Bewilderbeast with respect and kindness, it cannot be trained like other dragon species. A Bewilderbeast chooses its Dragon King or Queen, and only they can communicate and work together to protect their tribe.

In conclusion, a Bewilderbeast is a powerful, alpha dragon that plays a significant role in the How To Train Your Dragon franchise. While they cannot be trained like other dragons, they choose a human counterpart, known as the Dragon King or Queen, and work together to protect their tribes. They are a fascinating species that adds depth and excitement to the overall story.

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