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How to decode the hidden meanings behind How to Train Your Dragon Symbols

How to decode the hidden meanings behind How to Train Your Dragon Symbols

How To Train Your Dragon Symbols

Are you a fan of How To Train Your Dragon? Have you noticed the powerful symbols hidden in the movie? Did you know that understanding these symbols can help you navigate through your own life challenges? In this article, we will explore some of the most significant symbols featured in How To Train Your Dragon and how to apply them to your own life.

The Night Fury

The Night Fury, Toothless, is the most iconic symbol in the movie. Not only is he breathtakingly beautiful, but he also represents the unknown and the fear of the unknown. Do you struggle with embracing the unknown? Toothless can teach you how to turn fear of the unknown into something empowering and positive. By befriending Toothless, Hiccup was able to see that the unknown can lead to endless possibilities.

The Dragon Academy

The Dragon Academy is another crucial symbol in the movie. It represents growth and change. Just as the dragons had to be trained to become companions, Hiccup had to train himself to become a leader. What changes do you need to make in your own life to become the best version of yourself? Learning new skills and challenging ourselves every day is crucial to our growth as individuals.

Dragon Races

Dragon Races were a way to celebrate the skills and abilities of each dragon species. The races taught us that every individual has unique strengths and should be celebrated. Do you celebrate the unique talents and abilities of those around you? Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we should focus on our own unique gifts and how we can use them to contribute to the world.

The Red Death

The Red Death, the ultimate enemy in the movie, represents a life without empathy. Do you struggle to relate to others? The Red Death's downfall was its inability to understand that teamwork and empathy are strengths, not weaknesses. As humans, we need each other to thrive. It is crucial that we learn to be empathetic towards others to grow and become better versions of ourselves.

The Viking Helmet

The Viking Helmet might seem like a simple prop in the movie, but it represents something powerful: tradition. Hiccup's tradition was to become a dragon slayer, but he used his power to turn that tradition upside down. Sometimes, we need to challenge traditions and embrace change to grow and improve. Don't allow traditional thinking to hold you back from achieving your goals.

The Alpha Dragon

The Alpha Dragon represents the power of leadership. Leaders inspire and guide their teams towards success. Do you want to become a good leader in your own life? Be open to feedback, be adaptable, and empower those around you. Remember, a true leader serves others just as much as they lead them.

Transition Words

In conclusion, the symbols in How To Train Your Dragon are not just cute animations; they serve as a guideline for our own lives. By examining these symbols, we can learn to embrace the unknown, celebrate our unique talents, practice empathy, challenge tradition, and become effective leaders in our own right. So go ahead and rewatch the movie and pay attention to these symbols. You never know what you might discover!

How To Train Your Dragon Symbols
"How To Train Your Dragon Symbols" ~ bbaz

The Importance of Symbols in How to Train Your Dragon

How to Train Your Dragon is a beloved movie franchise that has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. The story revolves around Hiccup, a young Viking boy, who befriends a dragon named Toothless and learns to train dragons instead of killing them. Throughout the movies, symbols are used to convey important messages and themes. In this article, we will explore some of the most notable symbols in How to Train Your Dragon and what they represent.

The Dragon Eye

The Dragon Eye is a significant symbol in the movies. It is an artifact that was created by the first Dragonslayer, and it is said to contain all the knowledge of the dragons. Through the use of the Dragon Eye, Hiccup discovers the true nature of dragons and uses its knowledge to protect them from harm. The Dragon Eye represents knowledge and enlightenment.

The Red Death

The Red Death is a giant dragon that is the primary antagonist in the first movie. It is depicted as a monstrous creature with black scales and glowing red eyes. The Red Death symbolizes death, destruction, and the consequences of greed. Its defeat marks the beginning of a new era of peace between Vikings and dragons.

The Night Fury

The Night Fury is a rare and elusive dragon that Toothless belongs to. It is said to be the most feared dragon in existence, but through his friendship with Toothless, Hiccup discovers that it is not so different from other dragons. The Night Fury represents the unknown, fear, and prejudice.

The Alpha

The Alpha is the leader of all dragons and is introduced in the second movie. It has the power to control other dragons and is depicted as a giant Bewilderbeast. The Alpha symbolizes power, control, and hierarchy.

The Dragon Blade

The Dragon Blade is a weapon created by Hiccup's father, Stoick the Vast, to kill dragons. However, after Hiccup realizes the true nature of dragons, the Dragon Blade is repurposed into a tool used to free dragons from traps. The Dragon Blade represents transformation and redemption.

How to Train Your Dragon Symbolism in Everyday Life

Symbols are a powerful way to convey messages and connect with people. In our everyday lives, we encounter symbols that represent different things. For example, an apple can represent knowledge, while a heart can represent love. In the same way, the symbols in How to Train Your Dragon can also be applied to our daily lives. Here are some examples:

The Dragon Eye

Like the Dragon Eye, seeking knowledge and enlightenment can help us make better decisions and improve our lives. It is important to never stop learning and to always seek new information.

The Red Death

Just as the Red Death symbolizes the consequences of greed, we must also be aware of the impact our actions can have on others. It is important to think beyond ourselves and consider how our choices affect those around us.

The Night Fury

Many times we fear what we do not understand, but like Hiccup, we can overcome our prejudices through compassion and understanding. Taking the time to learn about someone or something before passing judgment can lead to more positive outcomes.

The Alpha

Power and control can be tempting, but it is important to recognize when it is appropriate to yield to others. Being a good leader means understanding when to take charge and when to step back and let others take the reins.

The Dragon Blade

Change is inevitable, and it is important to be open to transformation. Just as Hiccup repurposed the Dragon Blade for a new purpose, we should be willing to adapt and change course when necessary.


Symbols play an important role in How to Train Your Dragon, conveying messages and themes to audiences of all ages. From the Dragon Eye to the Dragon Blade, each symbol represents a different lesson that can be applied to our own lives. By acknowledging these symbols and applying them in our daily lives, we can learn to be better people and make a positive impact on the world around us.

How To Train Your Dragon Symbols: Analyzing the Hidden Meanings

The Importance of Symbols in How To Train Your Dragon

Symbols play an essential role in any fictional text. They act as a vehicle for deeper meaning and a form of language that extends beyond words and dialogue. How To Train Your Dragon is a perfect example of this. From the dragons' fire to the Viking helmets, there are various symbols throughout the series that add significant depth to the overall narrative.

The Dragon Eye Lens: Unlocking the Secrets of the Past

One of the most critical symbols in the How To Train Your Dragon series is the Dragon Eye Lens. This object is a small, intricate device that allows its user to see visions of the past. Hiccup and Toothless find several Dragon Eye Lenses throughout the series, which become integral to their journey. These lenses allow them to discover the histories of both dragons and Vikings and to understand their true roles in the world.

Comparison: The Dragon Eye Vs The Pensieve

The concept of using a magical object to dive into the past may remind some readers of the Pensieve from Harry Potter. While these devices share some similarities, there are also significant differences. The Pensieve is a bowl-like object that allows its user to extract thoughts and memories and revisit them at a later time. Unlike the Dragon Eye Lens, which only shows visions of the past, the Pensieve can provide access to any memory the user has stored in it.

The Dragons' Fire: A Symbol of Transformation

Fire is another prominent symbol in the How To Train Your Dragon series. Specifically, the dragons' fire represents transformation and growth. As Hiccup and Toothless work together to train the other dragons, they come across several instances where a dragon might set something on fire accidentally. However, instead of seeing this as a negative thing, Hiccup and Toothless view the fire as a sign of progress – the dragon is learning to control and harness its power.

Comparison: Fire in Other Fantasy Texts

The idea of fire representing transformation is not a novel concept. We see similar symbolism in other fantasy texts, such as Game of Thrones and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. For example, in Game of Thrones, Daenerys Targaryen's dragons' fire represents her growing power and authority. In The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, the elves' fire symbolizes their immortality and connection to nature.

The Viking Helmets: A Symbol of Honour and Tradition

The Viking helmets in How To Train Your Dragon are also a prominent symbol. These helmets represent tradition and honour for the Viking tribe. The characters wear these helmets during battles and ceremonies to demonstrate their pride in their culture and their willingness to defend it.

Comparison: Helmets in Historical Context

The importance of helmets as a symbol of military honour and protection extends beyond fiction and into real-life history. In ancient Greece, warriors wore plumed helmets made of bronze or iron as a symbol of their rank and skill in battle. In medieval Europe, knights wore elaborate helmets decorated with crests and heraldry to distinguish themselves. Today, soldiers serving in many modern armies wear helmets for protection, but they still serve as a symbol of duty and sacrifice.

The Bewilderbeast: A Symbol of Power and Dominance

Finally, the Bewilderbeast dragon in How To Train Your Dragon 2 is also a powerful symbol. This enormous creature is the king of all dragons and has the ability to control any dragon it wishes. The Bewilderbeast represents ultimate power and dominance over others, and its presence causes significant tension throughout the second film.

Comparison: Dominance in Nature

The Bewilderbeast's dominance over other dragons may remind readers of similar power dynamics in nature. For example, wolves live in a pack led by an alpha wolf who is responsible for maintaining order and dominating other pack members. Similarly, among chimpanzees, there is usually an alpha male who holds sway over the others and is responsible for protecting the group.


In conclusion, How To Train Your Dragon is an excellent example of a series that uses rich symbolism to tell its story. Each symbol has a deeper meaning that contributes to the overall narrative and gives the characters a sense of history and tradition. Whether it's the Dragon Eye Lens, the dragons' fire, or the Viking helmets, these symbols add significant depth and nuance to the world of How To Train Your Dragon.

How To Train Your Dragon Symbols: Tips and Tutorial


How to Train Your Dragon is a popular animated movie franchise that has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. The story takes place in a fictional Viking world where dragons are the main focus. The characters in the movie also use symbols to represent different things, including their dragon species, their clan or tribe, and even their own personalities. In this article, we'll be discussing the different symbols used in the movie and how you can learn to draw them.

The Different Dragon Species Symbols

In How to Train Your Dragon, each dragon species has its unique symbol. The Night Fury, for example, has a symbol that resembles a lightning bolt. The Zippleback has a symbol that looks like two coiled snakes. To learn how to draw these symbols, you can start by looking at reference images of the dragons and sketch them out. Once you have the basic shape of the dragon, you can then add the distinct features that make up the symbol.


  • Use a pencil when drawing to make it easier to fix mistakes.
  • Start with basic shapes and then add details.
  • Trace over your sketch with a marker or pen for a bold and clear symbol.

The Clan or Tribe Symbols

Each clan or tribe in the movie also has its unique symbol. The symbol represents the clan's beliefs and values. The Hooligan Tribe, for example, has a symbol that looks like an axe and shield. To draw this symbol, you can break it down into smaller shapes, such as circles and triangles. Then, you can combine these basic shapes to create the final symbol.


  • Research the history and culture of the clan to understand the meaning behind their symbol.
  • Use contrasting colors to make the symbol stand out.
  • Experiment with different shapes and patterns until you find one that works best.

The Character Symbols

Some characters in the movie also have their unique symbols that represent their personalities or achievements. For example, Hiccup has a symbol that resembles a dragon's tail, which represents his connection with dragons. To draw these symbols, you can start by looking at reference images of the characters and sketching out their basic shapes. Then, add details that represent their personality or accomplishment.


  • Think about the character's personality and traits when drawing their symbol.
  • Use small details to make the symbol personal to the character.
  • Don't be afraid to try different designs until you find one that fits the character best.

The Importance of Symbols

In How to Train Your Dragon, symbols play a vital role in the story. They represent the characters' identities, cultures, and beliefs. These symbols also help viewers connect with the characters and understand the world they live in. By learning to draw these symbols, fans can immerse themselves even further into the world of How to Train Your Dragon.


  • Practice drawing symbols until you become comfortable with the process.
  • Include symbols in your fan art or cosplay to showcase your love for the franchise.
  • Share your symbols with other How to Train Your Dragon fans to spark conversations and connections.


In conclusion, How to Train Your Dragon symbols are a fun and creative way to show your love for the franchise. By learning to draw these symbols, you can connect with the characters and world on a deeper level. Use the tips and tutorials given above to create your unique symbols and share them with others in the fandom. Happy drawing!

Discover the Hidden Meanings behind How to Train Your Dragon Symbols

If you're a fan of the popular animated movie How to Train Your Dragon, you've probably noticed that the film is full of intricate symbols and motifs. These symbols help convey important themes throughout the movie while also adding depth and complexity to the characters and their relationships. In this article, we'll explore some of the most significant symbols in How to Train Your Dragon and uncover the hidden meanings behind them.

One of the most prominent symbols in the movie is the dragon itself. Dragons are portrayed as fierce, powerful creatures that are feared and hunted by humans. However, as the story unfolds, we see that dragons are not simply mindless beasts but have distinct personalities and emotions. This symbolizes the idea that things are often more complex than they appear at first glance and reminds us to look beyond stereotypes and assumptions.

Another symbol that plays an important role in the movie is the Viking helmet. The Vikings wear helmets with horns, which are often associated with bravery and strength. However, Hiccup, the main character, undermines this symbol by removing the horns from his helmet, signaling that bravery comes in many forms and can sometimes involve bucking tradition and challenging the status quo.

The concept of flight is another recurring symbol in How to Train Your Dragon. Flying represents freedom, escape, and the possibility of overcoming obstacles. For many of the characters, learning to fly on the backs of dragons is a transformative experience that allows them to break free from limiting beliefs and unlock their true potential.

The relationship between humans and dragons is a central theme in the movie and is represented by various symbols. One of the most significant is the dragon's breath. At first, dragons breathe fire, which is synonymous with destruction and violence. However, as the story progresses, we see that dragons can also breathe ice, water, and other elements, signifying their diverse nature and the potential for peace between humans and dragons.

The dragon training academy is another important symbol in the movie. It represents the idea that education and knowledge can be used for positive change, rather than just for personal gain. As Hiccup learns to train and communicate with dragons, he also learns valuable lessons about compassion, empathy, and respect, which he applies to his relationships with humans as well.

The Dragon Eye is a mysterious symbol that holds great power and knowledge. It signifies the importance of exploration and discovery, and the idea that there are always new things to learn and uncover. The Dragon Eye also highlights the connection between humans and dragons and the potential for deeper understanding and collaboration.

The colors of the dragons in How to Train Your Dragon also carry significant meanings. For example, red dragons represent danger and aggression, while blue dragons symbolize calmness and intelligence. These color associations help the audience better understand the personalities and motivations of the dragons and create a more immersive and engaging experience.

Another symbol that adds depth to the movie is the recurring notion of sacrifice. Characters throughout the story must make difficult choices, often sacrificing something important to them for the greater good. This symbolizes the idea that progress and growth often require hard work and a willingness to let go of what is comfortable or familiar.

The last significant symbol we'll explore is the dragon riders themselves. They represent the idea that a diverse group of individuals can come together to overcome obstacles and achieve great things. The dragon riders comprise people with different backgrounds, skills, and personalities, but they are united by a common goal and powerful bond with their dragons.

In conclusion, How to Train Your Dragon is a rich and complex movie filled with symbols and hidden meanings. These symbols help convey important themes and ideas throughout the story, adding depth and nuance to the characters and their relationships. We hope that by exploring these symbols, you'll have a deeper appreciation for this beloved movie and the messages it seeks to convey.

Thank you for reading, and remember, there's always more to discover beneath the surface!

How To Train Your Dragon Symbols

People Also Ask About How To Train Your Dragon Symbols:

What are the symbols in How to Train Your Dragon?

In How to Train Your Dragon, there are three primary symbols:

  • The Night Fury symbol
  • The Viking helmet symbol
  • The Thor's Hammer symbol

What does the Night Fury symbol mean?

The Night Fury symbol is a silhouette of the dragon Toothless. It represents freedom, loyalty, and the bond between a dragon and its rider.

What does the Viking helmet symbolize?

The Viking helmet symbol is a tribute to the Vikings, who play a crucial role in the film. It represents courage, honor, and bravery.

What does the Thor's Hammer symbol mean?

The Thor's Hammer symbol is a nod to Norse mythology, which heavily influences the film's setting and characters. It represents strength, power, and protection.

Are there any other symbols in the movie?

Yes, there are several other symbols in the movie, including:

  • The dragon eye symbol
  • The dragon language symbols
  • The Berk crest

What do the dragon language symbols mean?

The dragon language symbols are a fictional language created for the film. They represent different sounds and words in the dragons' language.

What is the significance of the Berk crest?

The Berk crest is a symbol of the village of Berk, where the film is set. It represents the unity and strength of the village and its people.

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