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Unleash Your Inner Dragon: A Comprehensive Guide to the Tropes in How To Train Your Dragon 2 on Tv Tropes

Unleash Your Inner Dragon: A Comprehensive Guide to the Tropes in How To Train Your Dragon 2 on Tv Tropes

Are you a fan of the critically acclaimed movie How To Train Your Dragon 2? Do you want to know more about the storytelling techniques used in the film that made it such a hit among audiences and critics alike? Look no further than the Tv Tropes page dedicated solely to this animated masterpiece!

Tv Tropes is a website that dissects and analyzes the various storytelling elements, techniques, and archetypes employed in various forms of media - from movies to TV shows to video games. And their page on How To Train Your Dragon 2 is no exception.

One of the standout tropes used in the movie is the Big Damn Kiss trope, which involves the long-awaited and climactic smooch between the film's two main characters, Hiccup and Astrid. This trope is commonly used in romantic storylines, but it was executed flawlessly in this film, leaving audiences cheering for joy.

Another trope present in the movie is the Parental Abandonment trope, which is utilized to great effect in Hiccup's backstory. Growing up without a mother and with a father who didn't understand or appreciate his interests, Hiccup's journey of self-acceptance and finding his place in the world resonated deeply with audiences of all ages.

But the tropes used in How To Train Your Dragon 2 aren't just limited to character development and romance - there are also plenty of action-packed tropes to enjoy, like the Crowd Panic trope during the dragon attack on Berk, or the Big Badass Battle Sequence trope during the film's epic climax.

Another interesting aspect of the film's storytelling is its use of foreshadowing, which is evident in the subtle hints dropped throughout the movie regarding the true identity of the film's villain. This technique adds a layer of intrigue to the story and keeps viewers engaged until the very end.

One of the most unique storytelling choices in the film is its portrayal of Toothless, Hiccup's dragon companion. Toothless is given almost human-like emotions and characteristics, which allows audiences to connect with the character on a deeper level. It's no wonder why he's become one of the most beloved animated characters of all time.

All in all, the Tv Tropes page on How To Train Your Dragon 2 provides a comprehensive analysis of the film's storytelling techniques and tropes that make it such a memorable and enjoyable experience. So if you're a fan of the movie or just interested in learning more about storytelling in animation, check out this page and discover how to train your inner dragon.

Tv Tropes How To Train Your Dragon 2
"Tv Tropes How To Train Your Dragon 2" ~ bbaz


If you are a fan of How To Train Your Dragon 2, you may have noticed certain familiar storylines or character types that pop up. These are known as tropes and can be found all over television shows, movies, and literature. TV Tropes is a popular online website that catalogs these storytelling shortcuts. In this article, we will discuss some of the tropes found in How To Train Your Dragon 2.

The Protagonist

Hiccup, the protagonist of How To Train Your Dragon 2, embodies several different tropes. He is the classic underdog hero who overcomes seemingly insurmountable obstacles to come out on top. He is also the reluctant hero who doesn't necessarily want the responsibility that comes with being a leader but knows he must step up when the situation demands it. Additionally, Hiccup is the outsider who doesn't belong in his society until he finds his place and proves himself.

The Mentor

In the first How To Train Your Dragon movie, Hiccup's mentor was Gobber. In How To Train Your Dragon 2, he is now mentored by his father, Stoick. Stoick is the classic wise old mentor who has been through it all and dispenses valuable advice and wisdom to the young protagonist. However, Stoick is also the sacrificial mentor who tragically loses his life while trying to protect Hiccup.

The Villain

The main villain of How To Train Your Dragon 2 is Drago, a power-hungry warlord who wants to rule over all dragons. Drago embodies the classic villain trope of being ruthlessly determined to achieve his goal, no matter the cost. He is also the mirror villain to Hiccup, representing the path that Hiccup could have taken if he had made different choices or been raised in a different environment.

The Love Interest

Astrid is Hiccup's love interest and she embodies the classic heroine trope of being strong-willed, independent, and capable. She is not content to sit on the sidelines and watch the action unfold - she is right there in the thick of it, fighting alongside her fellow Vikings. She also serves as Hiccup's anchor, their relationship giving him something to fight for and protect.

The Minor Characters

How To Train Your Dragon 2 is filled with minor characters who each embody different tropes. Snotlout is the arrogant rival, his jealousy of Hiccup causing tensions between them. Fishlegs is the bookish sidekick, his knowledge of dragons often coming in handy. Ruffnut and Tuffnut are the comic relief duo, providing much-needed humor in tense situations.

The Climax

The climax of How To Train Your Dragon 2 is the battle between Hiccup's dragon army and Drago's dragon army. This battle is the final showdown trope, where the hero and villain finally come face to face and all the stakes are on the line. It's also the pyrrhic victory trope, as while Hiccup and his friends are victorious, they have suffered heavy losses, including Stoick's death.

The Conclusion

The conclusion of How To Train Your Dragon 2 sees Hiccup taking on the role of chief and leading his people and dragons in a new era of cooperation and understanding. This is the happy ending trope, where all loose ends are neatly tied up and the hero achieves his goal. However, it's also the sequel hook trope, as the ending sets up the possibility for more adventures and challenges in the future.

The Impact Of Tropes

Some may argue that tropes are lazy storytelling, relying on familiar archetypes and plot points instead of pushing boundaries and creating something truly unique. However, others view them as a necessary aspect of storytelling, providing audiences with familiarity and comfort in a world that can often be unpredictable and chaotic.

In Conclusion

How To Train Your Dragon 2 is just one example of how tropes can be used in storytelling. By recognizing and understanding these storytelling shortcuts, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the stories we consume and the work that goes into creating them.

Comparison of Tv Tropes How To Train Your Dragon 2

The Plot

How to Train Your Dragon 2, like the first film, has a simple enough plot that is easy to follow and yet still engaging. The sequel takes place five years after the first movie, in which the people of Berk have learned to coexist with dragons. In this installment, Hiccup discovers and reconnects with his long-lost mother, Valka, who has spent the last 20 years rescuing and caring for dragons. Meanwhile, a new villain named Drago enters the picture as he attempts to build an army of dragons to rule the world.

Table 1 - Comparison of plot summary

Factors How To Train Your Dragon How To Train Your Dragon 2
Main characters? Hiccup, Stoick, and Toothless Hiccup, Valka, and Drago
Conflict? Berk vs. the dragon-killing Vikings known as their enemies Berk vs. Drago and his army of Dragons
Resolution? Hiccup convinces his people to stop attacking dragons and starts training them instead Hiccup and his allies fight against Drago, but ultimately peace is achieved through cooperation and understanding

The Characters

How To Train Your Dragon 2 has most of the beloved characters from the first film back, with several new ones making an appearance. The main cast is well fleshed out and there is character development for Hiccup, Valka, and Toothless that give them more depth. Drago, the villain, is a one-dimensional and predictable character who is not as memorable as the franchise's first antagonist.

Table 2 - Comparison of the Characters

Factors How To Train Your Dragon How To Train Your Dragon 2
Main character developed in the movie? Hiccup Hiccup, Valka, Toothless
New characters introduced? Yes, but not as many Yes, including Valka, Eret and Drago
Villainous characters? Yes, the dragon-killing Vikings Yes, Drago
Memorability? Much-loved and memorable characters such as Hiccup and Toothless Good character development for the main cast, but the villain is not as memorable as the first movie's antagonist

The Animation

One of the biggest strengths of How To Train Your Dragon lies in its stunning animation. In the first movie, viewers were treated to an exciting world of dragons and Viking culture that was unlike anything seen before. The sequel takes this a step further with more detail in character and backgrounds, adding to the film's aesthetic appeal.

Table 3 - Comparison of Animation

Factors How To Train Your Dragon How To Train Your Dragon 2
World building? Introduces viewers to a fantastical world of dragons and Vikings Adds more detail in character and backgrounds, elevating the aesthetic appeal
Overall appeal? Stunning animation that is still visually pleasing today, nearly ten years later Sophisticated animation that pushes the boundaries of what was achieved in the first movie
Technology advancements Apart from the story improvement, Notable for being one of DreamWorks' first animated films to fully utilize the 3D format Evolved more in cinematography and plot scene ranges, using wider shots and longer takes.

The Music

The soundtrack of both the How To Train Your Dragon movies is easily one of the most memorable aspects of each film. Composer John Powell carries over several themes from the first movie into the second, adding new ones to elevate the sequel's score. It's tense when it needs to be, emotive when it calls for it, and overall provides an excellent accompaniment to the movie.

Table 4 - Comparison of Music

Factors How To Train Your Dragon How To Train Your Dragon 2
Composer? John Powell John Powell
Memorable tracks? Yes, especially Test Drive and Forbidden Friendship Yes, includes Battle of the Bewilderbeasts and Stoick's Ship
Suitability to the theme? Excellent accompaniment to the movie and is one of the most memorable aspects of the first film. Carries over several themes from the first movie into the second while adding new ones to elevate the sequel's score.

The Conclusion

Overall, How To Train Your Dragon 2 is a worthy successor to the first movie. It expands on the world-building, characters, animation, and music of the initial film, whilst adding new elements that help to keep the audience engaged. There are some faults, such as Drago's character development, which doesn't live up to the rest of the cast's in the movie, but it doesn't take away much of its appeal.

Table 5 - Overall Comparison

Factors How To Train Your Dragon How To Train Your Dragon 2
Plot Simple, easy to follow but still engaging Expands on the first movie, introduces a new twist, and brings more conflict into the plot.
Characters Memorable, but not as developed Good character development for most of the main cast, although the villain is one-dimensional. Introduces a new character in Hiccup's mother, Valka, that strongly affects his arc.
Animation Stunning, still visually appealing even after a decade later. Sophisticated, pushing the limits of the first movie with improved detail in character and backgrounds.
Music Memorable, one of the most memorable aspects of the first film. Carries over several themes from the first movie into the second while adding new ones to elevate the sequel's score.
Overall appeal? One of DreamWorks' most successful movies and a favorite amongs fans of all ages. A worthy successor, the film expands upon and elevates every aspect of the original, helped by great characters and stunning animation and music to create another fantastic addition to the franchise.

In conclusion, How To Train Your Dragon 2 is an excellent installment in the franchise. This movie expands upon and elevates every aspect of the original movie, with great characters, stunning animation, and music to create another fantastic addition to the franchise.

Tv Tropes: How To Train Your Dragon 2


How to Train Your Dragon 2 is an animated movie released in 2014, which tells the story of a young Viking boy named Hiccup and his dragon Toothless. The movie is a sequel to the 2010 hit How to Train Your Dragon, which was based on the book series by Cressida Cowell. Like the original movie, How to Train Your Dragon 2 has become a fan favorite among children and adults alike. But what makes this movie so special? This blog will take a look at the different tropes used in How to Train Your Dragon 2, and how they make the movie stand out.

The Hero's Journey

One of the most common tropes in storytelling is the hero's journey. This trope has been used in countless movies, books, and TV shows, and How to Train Your Dragon 2 is no exception. In this movie, Hiccup goes on a journey to discover who he is and what his purpose in life is. Along the way, he faces challenges and enemies, but ultimately emerges victorious. The hero's journey is a popular trope for a reason - it's a satisfying story to watch or read, and it's relatable because we all face challenges in our lives.

The Royal Family Trope

Another trope used in How to Train Your Dragon 2 is the royal family trope. This trope is often used in fairy tales and fantasy stories, and involves a young prince or princess discovering their true identity and saving their kingdom from danger. In How to Train Your Dragon 2, Hiccup discovers that he is actually the heir to the Viking throne, and he must fight to protect his people from the evil Drago Bludvist. This trope works well in the movie because it adds an extra layer of tension, and it allows Hiccup to step up and become a true leader.

The Coming-of-Age Trope

A third trope used in How to Train Your Dragon 2 is the coming-of-age trope. This trope involves a young person growing up and learning important life lessons. In How to Train Your Dragon 2, Hiccup not only learns about his true identity, but he also learns about love and loss. His relationship with his long-lost mother and his best friend Astrid both teach him valuable lessons about trust, loyalty, and bravery. The coming-of-age trope works well in How to Train Your Dragon 2 because it adds emotional depth to the story and allows the audience to connect with Hiccup on a deeper level.

The Villain Trope

The villain trope is another common one used in storytelling, and How to Train Your Dragon 2 is no exception. Drago Bludvist serves as the main antagonist in the movie, and he is a classic villain - evil, power-hungry, and ruthless. However, the movie also subverts this trope by introducing Valka, a character who was once thought to be a villain but turns out to be a hero. The villain trope works well in How to Train Your Dragon 2 because it creates conflict and tension, and it allows the hero to showcase their bravery and strength.

The Redemption Arc Trope

A redemption arc trope is when a character who starts off as a villain or anti-hero eventually becomes a hero. In How to Train Your Dragon 2, this trope is used with the character of Eret, a dragon trapper who works for Drago Bludvist. After Hiccup and his friends save Eret's life, he realizes that he has been on the wrong side and joins their cause. The redemption arc trope works well in How to Train Your Dragon 2 because it shows that people can change, and that even those who have made mistakes can be redeemed.

The Sacrifice Trope

The sacrifice trope is often used in movies and books to create emotional resonance and to demonstrate a character's bravery and selflessness. In How to Train Your Dragon 2, this trope is used with the character of Stoick, Hiccup's father and the leader of the Viking tribe. Stoick sacrifices himself to protect Hiccup from an attack by Drago Bludvist. The sacrifice trope is one of the most powerful storytelling devices, and it works well in How to Train Your Dragon 2 because it creates a sense of loss and tragedy, but also shows the strength and love of a father for his son.

The Friendship Trope

Finally, the friendship trope is used throughout How to Train Your Dragon 2 to great effect. The bond between Hiccup and Toothless is the heart of the movie, and it's what makes the audience care about the characters and their journey. Their friendship is tested many times throughout the movie, but it ultimately becomes stronger. The friendship trope works well in How to Train Your Dragon 2 because it shows that true friendship can overcome even the most difficult challenges.


In conclusion, How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a movie that uses many different tropes to tell an inspiring and emotional story. From the hero's journey to the friendship trope to the sacrifice trope, each trope adds depth and meaning to the story and allows the characters to grow and develop. If you haven't seen How to Train Your Dragon 2 yet, you're missing out on a truly special and memorable movie.

Tv Tropes How To Train Your Dragon 2

Hello and welcome to our Tv Tropes article on How To Train Your Dragon 2. This animated movie sequel was released in 2014 and quickly became a fan favorite, especially among children. If you are reading this, then you are probably either a fan or just interested in learning more about this movie. Either way, we are glad you are here.

Before we dive deeper into the tropes used in How To Train Your Dragon 2, let's first talk about what this movie is all about. The movie takes place five years after the events of the first movie, where Hiccup, the protagonist, has successfully united Vikings and dragons. However, trouble arises when Hiccup discovers a group of dragon hunters who are capturing dragons to create an army. Hiccup must now try to stop this group and save his dragon friends.

Now that you have a brief overview let's take a look at some of the tropes used in the movie. One of the most common tropes used in How To Train Your Dragon 2 is the coming-of-age trope. Hiccup is now older and has more responsibilities which force him to mature and make tough decisions. This trope is used to show the growth and development of the character over time.

Another trope used in the movie is the tragic villain trope. The main antagonist, Drago, has a tragic backstory that explains his motives for capturing dragons. This trope is used to create a sympathetic and complex villain that the audience can relate to.

The movie also uses the cutting the knot trope when Hiccup decides to use diplomacy to stop Drago. Instead of fighting him, he tries to reason with him and show him the error of his ways. This trope is used to create a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the movie.

One of the most interesting tropes used in How To Train Your Dragon 2 is the mirrored characters trope. Hiccup and Drago are both leaders who have different beliefs about how to interact with dragons. Hiccup befriends them while Drago wants to control and use them. This trope is used to create a parallel between the hero and the villain, emphasizing their differences and creating more tension in the conflict.

Another common trope used in How To Train Your Dragon 2 is the hero's journey trope. Hiccup must go on a journey of self-discovery and face challenges that test his strength and willpower. This trope is used to show the character's growth and transformation over time.

The movie also uses the subverted kids show trope. While this movie is geared towards children, it doesn't shy away from dark and mature themes, such as death and loss. This trope is used to create a more realistic and emotional world for the characters to inhabit.

One of the most visually stunning tropes used in How To Train Your Dragon 2 is the rule of cool trope. The dragon battles and flying sequences are beautifully animated and are meant to be awe-inspiring. This trope is used to create excitement and to showcase the power and majesty of the dragons.

The movie also uses the all there in the manual trope when Hiccup discovers a manual left by his late father which contains information that helps him in his journey. This trope is used to provide exposition without slowing down the pacing of the story.

The final trope we will discuss is the sequel escalation trope. How To Train Your Dragon 2 takes what worked in the first movie and expands upon it, with new characters, plot points, and action sequences. This trope is used to keep the franchise fresh and exciting for fans.

Overall, How To Train Your Dragon 2 is a well-made and emotionally resonant movie that uses various tropes to create a memorable experience for viewers of all ages. We hope you enjoyed reading about some of these tropes and that it enhanced your appreciation for the movie.

Thank you for reading our Tv Tropes article on How To Train Your Dragon 2. If you have any feedback or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Make sure to come back to our website for more interesting articles on your favorite movies and TV shows.

People Also Ask About TV Tropes: How To Train Your Dragon 2

What are TV tropes?

TV tropes are commonly recurring literary and rhetorical devices, motifs or clichés found throughout storytelling mediums such as TV shows, movies, books, and more. These tropes can be used to create a sense of familiarity or comfort for audiences, but can also be subverted for comedic or dramatic effect.

What are some examples of TV tropes in How To Train Your Dragon 2?

  • The Chosen One: Hiccup is destined to become the next chief of the tribe and save his people from danger.
  • The Reveal: The true identity of Drago Bludvist is revealed, along with his plan to conquer the world with a dragon army.
  • The Big Bad: Drago Bludvist serves as the main villain of the film, threatening the safety of both dragons and humans.

What is the plot of How To Train Your Dragon 2?

The plot follows Hiccup and his dragon, Toothless, as they discover a secret ice cave filled with new dragon species and a mysterious dragon rider. Meanwhile, the villainous Drago Bludvist seeks to use his own dragon army to take over the world, leading Hiccup and his friends on a journey to save their home and prevent war.

Who are some of the characters in How To Train Your Dragon 2?

  • Hiccup - The protagonist and chief-in-training of his tribe
  • Toothless - Hiccup's dragon companion
  • Astrid - Hiccup's love interest and fellow dragon rider
  • Dagger - A dragon that Hiccup befriends and names Toothless 2.0
  • Stoick - Hiccup's father and current chief of the tribe
  • Drago Bludvist - The main antagonist seeking world domination with his dragon army

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