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The Ultimate Critique: Unleashing Everything Wrong with How To Train Your Dragon

The Ultimate Critique: Unleashing Everything Wrong with How To Train Your Dragon

How To Train Your Dragon is a popular animated film that has won the hearts of many viewers. It tells the story of a young Viking boy named Hiccup from the island of Berk who befriends a dragon, Toothless. However, despite its widespread acclaim, there are still some major flaws within the movie's plot and story. In this article, we will break down everything wrong with How To Train Your Dragon and provide you with reasons to believe that there may be more beneath the surface than meets the eye.

One of the main issues with the movie is its predictability. There are very few surprises or twists in the plot, making it seem like the filmmakers took the easy way out. From the very beginning, it's clear how the story is going to end, and you don't need a magic ball to predict what happens next.

Another significant problem within How To Train Your Dragon is a lack of character development. While Hiccup gets a decent amount of screen time, most of the other characters are only given brief and shallow backstories. As a result, there isn't much depth to them, which makes it hard to empathize with their struggles or triumphs.

The villain in the film is also very one-dimensional. The character of Drago feels like a caricature of other evil characters in movies, without any real motivation for his actions. Without any nuance to the character, the audience doesn't feel invested in defeating him, which makes the eventual showdown between the two parties feel lackluster.

Although the animation style and graphics are stunning, the portrayal of female characters in the film leaves much to be desired. The women in the story are mostly side characters, who do not excel in any way, shape, or form. Astrid, the only female character who has some relevance, is often reduced to a love interest, rather than an equal counterpart in the story.

Furthermore, the pacing of the movie is uneven. Some parts of the plot drag on unnecessarily while others are rushed through without proper development. This can make the movie feel choppy and disjointed, particularly during the action sequences.

Another significant flaw in How To Train Your Dragon is its refusal to deal with heavier, complex themes. Unlike some animated films that handle challenging topics such as poverty, war, and grief, How To Train Your Dragon shies away from exploring anything remotely thought-provoking or profound.

The dialogue in the movie also falls flat, with many lines feeling hollow and simplistic. There's very little depth to the characters' conversations, with most dialogue revolving around the plot and nothing more. Even the jokes that are present in the film often fall short of being genuinely funny.

One of the biggest issues with How To Train Your Dragon is its lack of cultural representation and diversity. The entire cast is made up of white, Scandinavian people, with little to no representation of other cultures or racial groups. In today's society, it's essential to create media that reflects the diversity of our world, and without it, the movie feels outdated and out of touch.

Lastly, the film relies heavily on overused tropes and clichés. From the chosen one trope to the underdog story arc, it feels like How To Train Your Dragon does not take any risks or try anything new. It follows a formula that has been used in other movies before it and does nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary.

In conclusion, how to Train Your Dragon, while enjoyable to some extent, is riddled with flaws that hinder it from becoming a classic animated film. With its predictable plotline, lack of character development, one-dimensional villain, poor portrayal of female characters, uneven pacing, empty dialogue, absence of diversity, and clichéd tropes, it's not difficult to see why the movie falls short. With so many other fantastic animated films out there that have more thought-provoking themes, complex characters, and a more significant cultural presence, How To Train Your Dragon could use some improvement if it's going to keep up with the times.

Everything Wrong With How To Train Your Dragon
"Everything Wrong With How To Train Your Dragon" ~ bbaz


How to Train Your Dragon is a beloved animated movie that tells the story of a young Viking named Hiccup and his unlikely friendship with a dragon. While the movie has won praise for its animation, music, and themes, there are still some issues with the film that need to be addressed. In this article, we will take a closer look at everything wrong with How to Train Your Dragon, from its plot holes to its flawed characters.

The Plot

At its core, How to Train Your Dragon tells the story of Hiccup, a young Viking who doesn't fit in with his warrior tribe. Despite his father's wishes, Hiccup befriends a dragon named Toothless. The two eventually learn to work together and save the dragons from the wrath of Hiccup's tribe. While the plot may sound simple on the surface, there are several issues with the way it unfolds.For one, the movie doesn't do enough to establish why the Vikings hate the dragons so much. We're told that they've been at war for generations, but we're never given a good reason for why that is. Additionally, the climax of the movie relies on a twist that feels forced and contrived. While it's meant to be a moment of emotional payoff, it falls flat due to poor execution.

The Characters

The characters in How to Train Your Dragon are another area where the movie falls short. While Hiccup and Toothless are both well-developed and likable, the same can't be said for the rest of the cast. Hiccup's father, Stoick, comes across as one-dimensional and unsympathetic. We never get a sense of why he's so hard on Hiccup, which makes his eventual change of heart feel unearned.Similarly, the other members of Hiccup's tribe are largely forgettable. They all blend together into a group of generic Viking warriors who are only there to provide comic relief or add conflict to the plot. Even Astrid, who is supposed to be Hiccup's love interest, feels like she's lacking in personality and agency.

The Animation

One area where How to Train Your Dragon shines is in its animation. The dragons are especially well-designed, with Toothless standing out as a particularly striking creation. However, there are still some issues with the movie's visuals. For one, the human characters can look a bit stiff and artificial at times. Additionally, some of the action scenes are hard to follow due to quick editing and shaky camera work.

The Music

The score for How to Train Your Dragon was composed by John Powell and is one of the movie's strongest aspects. The music does an excellent job of capturing the adventurous spirit of the story, and the main theme is instantly recognizable and memorable. However, the soundtrack isn't without its flaws. Some of the tracks feel overbearing and bombastic, detracting from the emotional moments of the movie.

The Themes

At its heart, How to Train Your Dragon is a story about friendship and acceptance. The movie does a good job of exploring these themes, as we see Hiccup and Toothless grow closer and learn to trust each other. However, there are also some problematic themes present in the film. For one, the idea that it's okay to keep animals as pets and train them to do our bidding is somewhat troubling. Additionally, the movie reinforces some gender stereotypes, as the male characters are all warriors while the females are relegated to supporting roles.


In conclusion, How to Train Your Dragon is a flawed but enjoyable movie. While it has its fair share of issues, the movie's strong animation, music, and themes help to make up for some of its shortcomings. Ultimately, it's up to each individual viewer to decide whether the movie's flaws outweigh its strengths. However, by taking a critical look at everything wrong with How to Train Your Dragon, we can gain a better understanding of what makes for a truly great animated movie.

Everything Wrong With How To Train Your Dragon


How To Train Your Dragon has garnered a lot of attention from people of all ages since its release in 2010. The movie has a high rating on Rotten Tomatoes and has been loved by many for its story, characters, and visuals. However, this article will explore some of the flaws in the movie that often go overlooked. Let's take a closer look at everything wrong with How To Train Your Dragon.

Plot Holes

Firstly, the movie has plot holes that can be challenging to ignore. For instance, during one of the scenes, Hiccup is seen using a prosthesis to fly with his dragon Toothless. However, earlier on, he also made an invention to help him fly using Toothless. It's unclear as to why the device was later replaced with a prosthesis.

The Villain's Goals

The villain's motives in How To Train Your Dragon are flawed. Stoick, the village chief, assumes that dragons are dangerous and wants to protect his people. However, during his fight against the dragons, it's unclear what his actual plan is. He doesn't have any concrete plan of action; instead, he fights them blindly. His lack of strategy makes it difficult to comprehend his true motive.

Training of Dragons

In the movie, Hiccup trains and ultimately becomes friends with Toothless, a dragon who he initially planned to kill. However, the process seems a little too easy. Hiccup quickly learns how to communicate with the dragon and train him without any prior experience. As a result, the audience is left without any real insight into the actual training process.

Character Development

The character development in How To Train Your Dragon is somewhat incomplete. The relationship between Stoick and Hiccup is barely explored, leaving audiences unsure as to why they are always fighting. On the other hand, Hiccup's romantic relationship with Astrid seems too predictable and cliche.

Setting and Worldbuilding

The setting of the movie seems underdeveloped. It's unclear why Hiccup's village is so hostile towards dragons. Additionally, it's unexplained why the dragons choose to suddenly attack them. The lack of world-building techniques weakens the overall story.

Visuals and Animation

On the visual front, How To Train Your Dragon is stunningly beautiful. The animation for the Dragons and their movements is visually appealing. However, the overlaying filter for the entire movie is monochromatic, making it rather dreary and gloomy.


The humor in the movie becomes exhausting after a while. For instance, the scene where Hiccup is trying to provide narration while riding Toothless gets old quickly because the dialogue isn't creative or punchy enough to sustain the humor.


The soundtrack of the movie is one of its redeeming qualities. Composer John Powell created a fantastic musical score that is perfectly suited to the fantasy genre. He creates soaring themes for the flight sequences and subtle melodies for the quieter moments.

Moral Values

The movie sets out to deliver a moral message about the importance of acceptance and understanding; the underlying motive feels hard to accept. Whilst the film's message is powerful, it's not achieved effectively. The primary message seems to get lost in the storytelling.


The article has provided a comprehensive look at the flaws of How To Train Your Dragon. The verdict? It's an enjoyable movie to watch if you don't think too hard about its plot holes and inconsistent character development. While the film has its share of problems, it still does many things correctly, including its visuals, soundtrack, and moral values.

Everything Wrong With How To Train Your Dragon

The Intriguing Storyline

If you are someone who has already watched How to Train Your Dragon, you must be familiar with the amazing storyline it offers. It starts with the life of Hiccup, a young Viking who lives in a village that’s constantly under dragon attacks. He wants to fight them and prove himself a true Viking, but his father is overprotective and forbids him. After a twist of events, he manages to befriend one of the most dangerous dragons, Toothless, and unravels exciting discoveries.

The CGI Animation

The animation of How to Train Your Dragon was considered a game-changer back then when it was first released in 2010. The level of detail given to every character and the interaction with their surroundings made it look realistic while still staying cartoony. Even after ten years later, it still stands out as one of the best-animated movies due to its stunning visuals and the amount of time and effort put into it.

The Fantastic Soundtrack

The music of How to Train Your Dragon, composed by John Powell, is an absolute masterpiece. It sets the tone of every scene and makes you experience various emotions, whether it is fear, excitement, or joy. The soundtrack blends flawlessly with the movie’s story to create a unique and memorable experience for the viewers.

The Memorably Imaginative World

The world of How to Train Your Dragon is full of imaginative and unique designs. Each of the dragons has its own distinctive features and personalities. The locations, scenes, and environment add to the fun of exploring the world and discovering new things. It is one of those movies that keep you captivated with stunning visuals and amazingly imaginative designs.

The Characterization

The character development of How to Train Your Dragon is incredible. From the beginning of the movie, you see a major change in Hiccup's attitude as he learns and discovers new things about himself and those around him. Toothless, his dragon companion, also undergoes transformation, becoming a reliable friend and ally to Hiccup. The characters are not flat and have their own depth, which is what made them relatable to people of different ages.

The Humor

One of the more entertaining aspects of How to Train Your Dragon is the humor. The witty one-liners and funny situations will make you laugh out loud, making the experience even more enjoyable. It offers a great balance of comedy and drama that can keep audiences of all ages entertained throughout the movie.

The Emotional Punch

How to Train Your Dragon packs an emotional punch that will leave you speechless. The audience gets attached to the characters in such a way that every victory and defeat makes you feel like you are a part of it. There are several moments in the movie when you will find yourself reaching for the tissues because of how perfectly it manages to hit you right in the feels.

The Unique Take on Dragons

How to Train Your Dragon stands out among other dragon-themed movies due to its unique take on these mythical creatures. Rather than portraying them as mindless beasts, they are given personalities, behaviors, and weaknesses that make them vulnerable and easy to connect with. How to Train Your Dragon gives a fresh perspective on dragon mythology while still holding up to the traditional stories about them.

The Limited Diversity

The casting choice of How to Train Your Dragon was heavily criticized because the movie featured a predominantly white, male cast. There was little to no representation in terms of race and gender. This limited diversity made it inaccessible to certain groups of people who would have loved the movie but could not connect with or see themselves in any of the characters.

The Lack of Further Development

Even though How to Train Your Dragon was a massive hit and received critical acclaim, the sequels did not live up to its expectations. While they kept the same characters and world, the stories were not as compelling and fell flat compared to the original. It gave the impression that they were made just to cash in on the fandom without putting much thought into making the story amazing.

The Final Verdict

Even though How to Train Your Dragon has its own set of flaws, it still manages to be one of the most enjoyable animated movies today. It has an intriguing storyline, fantastic animation, memorable soundtrack, imaginative world, great characterization, humor, emotional impact, and a unique take on dragons. It is a must-watch for anyone who loves a good movie that can make you feel all sorts of emotions. However, its lack of diversity and subpar sequels need to be acknowledged to ensure improvement in future projects.

Everything Wrong With How To Train Your Dragon

No movie is perfect, including How To Train Your Dragon. Despite its critical acclaim, the film still has some flaws that need to be addressed. In this article, we will explore everything wrong with How To Train Your Dragon.

The first issue we have with this movie is the lack of cultural accuracy. How To Train Your Dragon is set in the Viking Age, yet the majority of the characters have Scottish accents. This inconsistency takes away from the realism of the movie and can be annoying to those who are knowledgeable about history. A solution to this would be to hire voice actors with authentic Scandinavian accents.

Another problem with this movie is the reduction of Hiccup's disability. In the books, Hiccup is missing a leg, but in the movie, he only loses his foot. This change makes it seem like a minor inconvenience rather than a life-altering disability. We think that they could have done a better job highlighting Hiccup's disability in the film.

The film's pacing is also a concern for us. The story builds up nicely, but the climax feels rushed, leaving the audience unsatisfied. The final battle between Hiccup and the dragon should have felt more epic, but instead, it just felt like a routine action scene. The filmmakers could have added more tension and suspense leading up to the climax to make it more exciting.

The character development in this film is not as strong as it could be. While characters like Toothless and Hiccup go through significant changes throughout the movie, others remain static and one-dimensional. Characters like Astrid and Stoick could have been given more depth and background to make the story feel more complete.

The romantic aspect of the movie is also underdeveloped. Hiccup and Astrid's relationship feels rushed and lacks chemistry. Their attraction to each other is not fully explored, making their romance feel forced and unnatural. If the filmmakers had devoted more time to building their relationship, their love story would have felt more genuine.

Another issue we have with this movie is the oversimplification of the conflict between the dragons and humans. The movie makes it seem like humans and dragons can live together peacefully if they just take the time to understand each other better. However, this resolution does not reflect the complexities of conflicts in real life. By oversimplifying the conflict, the movie fails to address the root causes of the problem.

The color grading in this movie is also problematic. While the film is visually stunning, the blue-green tint that is used throughout the entire movie can be exhausting on the eyes. The filmmakers could have benefited from incorporating more warm colors to balance out the cool tones and make the movie feel more comfortable to watch.

The soundtrack of the movie is a major highlight, but some of the songs feel out of place in the context of the story. For instance, the inclusion of the song Sticks and Stones during Hiccup's training montage disrupts the tone of the scene and feels forced.

The plot of the movie is predictable and follows the typical hero's journey structure. While this can be a recipe for success, it does not offer anything new or original. The filmmakers could have taken more creative risks to make the story stand out from other fantasy movies.

Finally, the film's use of comedy can be distracting and may not appeal to everyone. While the humor can be entertaining, it sometimes takes away from the seriousness of the story. For those looking for a more serious or dramatic movie, How To Train Your Dragon's comedic elements may detract from the experience.

In conclusion, How To Train Your Dragon is a good movie, but it is not without its flaws. By addressing the issues mentioned above, the filmmakers could have made the movie even better. Despite these shortcomings, How To Train Your Dragon is still a fun, heartwarming movie that is worth watching.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that it has been insightful and engaging. Feel free to leave your thoughts on How To Train Your Dragon in the comments below. Have a great day!

Everything Wrong With How To Train Your Dragon

What are the mistakes in the storyline of How To Train Your Dragon?

While How To Train Your Dragon is an amazing movie, there are still a few mistakes in the storyline. Here are some of them:

  1. The story has a time span of around six years, but it is never clear how much time passes between each scene.
  2. The entire village seems to forget that Hiccup was the one who trained the dragons and helped them defeat the Red Death.
  3. Astrid seems to be the only Viking who notices that Hiccup is missing during the final battle with Drago's army.
  4. The Vikings have been fighting dragons for generations, yet they did not know about the alpha dragon until Valka tells them.

What are the technical mistakes in How To Train Your Dragon?

Apart from the storyline, there are also a few technical mistakes in How To Train Your Dragon. Here are some of them:

  • During the scene where Hiccup and Toothless fly around Berk, there is a shot where one of Toothless's whiskers disappears.
  • When Hiccup and Astrid are riding Hookfang, there is a scene where she disappears from his back, then suddenly reappears after a few seconds.
  • At the end of the movie, when Toothless approaches Hiccup, his tail fin disappears for a split second.

Why did people criticize the portrayal of dragons in How To Train Your Dragon?

While the movie was highly praised, there were some critiques about the portrayal of dragons. Here are some reasons:

  1. Some people claimed that the movie portrayed dragons as too friendly and human-like, rather than as the fierce and dangerous creatures they are usually depicted as.
  2. There is very little explanation about how the dragons became domesticated and why they attack the village in the first place.
  3. The various breeds of dragons in the movie seem to be more like different dog breeds rather than distinct species.

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