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How To Train Your Dragon Names: A Comprehensive Guide to Naming Your Viking and Dragon Buddies

How To Train Your Dragon Names: A Comprehensive Guide to Naming Your Viking and Dragon Buddies

Are you a fan of the How to Train Your Dragon franchise? If so, you must be familiar with the names of its beloved characters. Protagonist Hiccup and his dragon, Toothless, are such iconic names that they have become household favorites. However, with all the new characters introduced in the third installment of the series, it can be daunting to keep up.

If you're planning on watching The Hidden World or simply want to impress your friends with your knowledge of dragon names, this article is for you. Here's how to train your memory to remember every dragon name in the series:

Get Organized

Before you start memorizing, it is essential to create a system that works for you. You can organize the names alphabetically or by their respective species. Grouping them by color or size is also a good option.

Mneumonic Devices

To remember multiple names, try using mnemonic devices. These are memory aids that use sound, images, or associations to help recall information quickly. For example, you can use the phrase 'dragons begin with b' to remember names like Barf and Belch, Beef and Buckle, and Bing, Bam, and Boom.

Make Flashcards

If you're more visual, creating flashcards could be a helpful way to memorize. Write the dragon's name on one side and a picture on the other. Review the cards every day until you have memorized them all.

Quiz Yourself

Every few days, quiz yourself to see if you can remember all the names. This can help reinforce the learning process and highlight any gaps in your memory.

Use The Names In Conversation

One of the best ways to remember names is to use them in conversation. Try talking about the characters with friends, family or even a pet.

Watch The Movies (Again and Again)

If you're still struggling, there's no shame in re-watching the movies. You can try subtitling them, so you pay more attention to the dialogues or even watching them with closed eyes to enhance your auditory memory.

Practice Makes Perfect

Don't worry if you can't remember all the names at once. Keep practicing until you can rattle them off without hesitation. It may take time, but with consistency, you will be a How to Train Your Dragon name expert in no time.

Mastering The Art Of Dragon Names

With these tips, you'll be able to master the art of remembering every dragon name in the How to Train Your Dragon series. Impress your friends with how quickly you can name each dragon, or even challenge them to see who can come up with the most unique dragon name


In conclusion, learning the names of every dragon in the How to Train Your Dragon series may seem like a lofty goal, but with these techniques, it is achievable. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just want to impress someone, these tips will help you retain the names effortlessly. So take charge of your memory, organize your system, and don't forget to have fun!

How To Train Your Dragon Names
"How To Train Your Dragon Names" ~ bbaz

How To Train Your Dragon is an animated film franchise that started in 2010. It tells the story of a young Viking named Hiccup who befriends a dragon named Toothless and changes the way his people view the creatures. The series has become very popular with kids and adults alike, and one of the most interesting things about it is the variety of names given to the dragons. In this article, we're going to take a look at some of the most popular dragon names from the series.

Night Fury Names

The Night Fury is the main dragon in the series and is also known as Toothless. However, in the TV series and other media, other Night Furies have been introduced, each with their own unique names. Some of the most popular Night Fury names are:

Light Fury

The Light Fury is a new addition to the series, having been introduced in How To Train Your Dragon: Hidden World. She is a dragon of a similar species to the Night Fury, but with white scales and the ability to glow. Her name is simple, but fitting for her appearance.


Stormfly is the dragon of Astrid, one of Hiccup's closest friends. She is a Deadly Nadder and is known for being fast and agile, as well as having lightning-fast reflexes. The name Stormfly is a reference to her speed and agility.


Skullcrusher is a Gronkle and is owned by Stoick the Vast, Hiccup's father. He is a powerful dragon with the ability to create focused blasts of fire. His name refers to his strength and his ability to crush skulls with his tail.

Other Dragon Names

Aside from the Night Furies, there are many other dragons in the series, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. Some of the most popular dragon names are:


Hookfang is the Monstrous Nightmare of Snotlout, another of Hiccup's friends. He is known for his ability to create a fiery exhalation that can burn through anything. His name comes from the hooks on his wings and tail.


Meatlug is a Gronkle and is owned by Fishlegs, another of Hiccup's friends. She is known for her massive size and love of food. Her name refers to her love of meat and her ability to eat huge amounts of it.

Barf and Belch

Barf and Belch are two-headed Hideous Zippleback owned by Ruffnut and Tuffnut, twins who are always fighting with one another. The name Barf and Belch refers to the fact that the two heads have opposing personalities and often argue.

Tips for Naming Your Own Dragon

If you're a fan of How To Train Your Dragon and want to name your pet after one of the dragons in the series, here are some tips:

Consider the personality of your pet

Before you name your dragon, consider its personality. Is it fast and agile? Strong and powerful? Cute and playful? Choose a name that reflects these qualities.

Think about appearances

Like the Light Fury, some dragons have unique physical characteristics that can help inspire their names. Consider your dragon's size, color, and any special abilities it may have when choosing a name.

Be creative

Don't be afraid to get creative when naming your dragon. You can take inspiration from the names in the series, but also mix and match different words to create unique names that suit your pet.

In conclusion, How To Train Your Dragon has a wide range of dragon names that are both interesting and easy to remember. If you're a fan of the series, you can use these names as inspiration for naming your own pet. Just remember to choose a name that reflects your dragon's unique qualities and personality.

Comparison between How to Train Your Dragon Names


If you're a fan of the How to Train Your Dragon franchise, you'll know that each dragon has its own unique name. In this comparison blog article, we'll take a closer look at some of the most popular dragon names from the series and discuss their meanings, origins, and characteristics.

The Night Fury: Toothless

Toothless is arguably the most iconic dragon in the franchise, and for good reason. As a Night Fury, he's sleek, fast, and intelligent. His name comes from the fact that he has no teeth, which initially earns him the nickname The Toothless Terror before Hiccup realizes that Toothless can control his retractable teeth like fins. Despite being toothless, Toothless is an unstoppable force when it comes to defending his rider and friends.


Personally, I love Toothless as a character. He's playful, loyal, and has a fierce spirit that you can't help but admire. His name perfectly reflects his personality and physical traits, making him one of the most memorable dragon names in the franchise.

The Gronckle: Meatlug

Meatlug is a Gronckle, a dragon species known for their tough skin and club-like tails. Her name comes from the fact that she loves to eat, and is often seen chomping on rocks and other mineral-rich items. Despite being slower and more docile than some of the other dragons, Meatlug proves herself to be a valuable member of Hiccup's dragon squad.


While Meatlug might seem like an odd name at first, it perfectly fits her character and helps to distinguish her from the other dragons in the series. I appreciate how the creators took a trait of the Gronckle species (their love for ingesting minerals) and turned it into a clever and memorable name.

The Deadly Nadder: Stormfly

Stormfly is a Deadly Nadder, a dragon species known for their sharp spikes and lightning-fast reflexes. Her name comes from her ability to shoot spines like bolts of lightning, making her a formidable opponent in battle. Despite her tough exterior, Stormfly has a gentle and caring personality when it comes to her rider, Astrid.


I personally love Stormfly as a character, and her name is certainly fitting for a dragon with such impressive abilities. The name Stormfly suggests both speed and power, and perfectly encapsulates the essence of this Deadly Nadder.

The Monstrous Nightmare: Hookfang

Hookfang is a Monstrous Nightmare, a dragon species known for their flaming breath and powerful wings. His name comes from his signature hooked tail, which he uses to great effect in battle. Despite being a bit of a troublemaker at times, Hookfang is fiercely loyal to his rider, Snotlout.


I think Hookfang's name is one of the more creative ones in the series. It's simple yet descriptive, and helps to distinguish him from some of the other dragons with more generic names. I also appreciate how his hooked tail is incorporated into his name, as it's one of his most distinct physical features.

The Skrill: Skrill

The Skrill is a dragon species that is native to the franchise's television series, Dragons: Defenders of Berk. While the Skrill as a species doesn't have a particularly interesting name, the fact that the individual dragon is simply called Skrill is a bit underwhelming. That being said, the Skrill's electric abilities are nothing to scoff at, and it remains an exciting addition to the overall dragon roster.


While I understand that the Skrill was created specifically for the Defenders of Berk series, I can't help but feel disappointed by its name. It's lacking in creativity and doesn't do much to differentiate the Skrill from other dragons with similar abilities (such as the Shockjaw, which has a more interesting name in my opinion).

The Whispering Death: Thornado

Thornado is a unique dragon in that he is actually the father of Toothless. As a Whispering Death, he's known for his burrowing abilities and sharp claws. His name comes from the fact that he can create a sonic boom with his wings, causing a distinctive thundering sound. Despite his initially gruff demeanor, Thornado proves to be a loving and protective father figure to Toothless.


Thornado's name is certainly a creative one, and I appreciate how it reflects his sonic boom ability while also giving him a bit of an intimidating presence. It's also interesting to note how his name is linked to Toothless', as it adds another layer to their father-son dynamic.

The Changewing: Phantom

Phantom is a Changewing, a dragon species known for their camouflaging abilities and adaptive coloration. Her name comes from the fact that she's able to vanish into thin air, becoming practically invisible in the right environment. Despite her sneaky nature, Phantom proves to be a valuable addition to Hiccup's dragon squad.


I think Phantom's name is a good fit for her character, as she has a certain air of mystery about her that's reflected in the name. It's also interesting to note how her name is a contrast to the other Changewing introduced in the series, Garffiljorg, who has a more straightforward name based on Norse mythology.

The Death Song: Melody

Melody is a Death Song, a dragon species known for their hypnotic singing abilities and sticky saliva. Her name is a bit of an ironic one, as it's hard to imagine something as terrifying as a Death Song having a name as gentle-sounding as Melody. Nonetheless, Melody proves to be a valuable ally to Hiccup and his friends.


I have mixed feelings about Melody's name. While I appreciate the irony behind giving such a terrifying creature a name that's typically associated with sweetness and light, I'm not sure if Melody is the most effective name for a Death Song. It feels a bit too cutesy and doesn't fully reflect the danger that the species presents.

The Triple Stryke: Sleuther

Sleuther is a Triple Stryke, a dragon species introduced in the Dragons: Race to the Edge series. His name comes from the fact that he has three tails that can be used independently, making him a particularly tricky dragon to fight against. Despite being initially hostile towards the dragon riders, Sleuther eventually becomes a valuable ally.


I think Sleuther's name is a solid one, as it reflects his unique tail structure while also hinting at his sneaky and cunning nature. I appreciate how the creators took inspiration from real-world animals (such as chameleons and some lizards) to create a distinct and memorable dragon species.


Overall, the names of the dragons in the How to Train Your Dragon franchise can be hit or miss in terms of creativity and effectiveness. Some, like Toothless and Hookfang, perfectly capture the essence of the characters they represent, while others, like Skrill and Melody, feel a bit underwhelming. Nonetheless, each dragon has its own unique charm and contributes something special to the overall lore of the series.
Dragon Name Species Unique Traits Name Origin
Toothless Night Fury No teeth, retractable spines Refers to his lack of teeth
Meatlug Gronckle Rock-eating, tough skin Derived from her love of eating minerals
Stormfly Deadly Nadder Lightning-fast reflexes, spine-shooting Suggests speed and power
Hookfang Monstrous Nightmare Flaming breath, hooked tail Named after his distinctive tail structure
Skrill Skrill Electric abilities Generic species name
Thornado Whispering Death Sonic boom, burrowing abilities Name reflects his sonic boom ability
Phantom Changewing Camouflaging abilities, adaptive coloration Reflects her sneaky and mysterious nature
Melody Death Song Hypnotic singing abilities, sticky saliva Ironic name suggests sweetness and light
Sleuther Triple Stryke Three tails that can be used independently Reflects his sneaky and cunning nature

How to Train Your Dragon Names

Are you a fan of the popular animated movie How to Train Your Dragon? Do you know the names of all the dragons in the movie? If not, then this article will be your ultimate guide in learning and memorizing the names of the dragons from the franchise.

The Basics

To begin with, it is important to understand that there are several species of dragons in the How to Train Your Dragon universe. Some of the most notable ones include the Night Fury, Gronckle, Deadly Nadder, Monstrous Nightmare, and Zippleback. Each dragon has distinguishing features and abilities that make them unique from one another.

Getting to Know the Main Characters

The main character of the movie is Hiccup, a young Viking boy who befriends a Night Fury dragon named Toothless. The pair discovers that dragons are not the ruthless creatures they were once believed to be and establishes a bond with each other. Other notable characters include Hiccup's father Stoick the Vast, Astrid Hofferson - a skilled dragon rider and Hiccup's love interest, and Gobber the Belch, a close friend and mentor to Hiccup.

Learning the Dragon Names

Now that we have identified some of the central characters let's get into the actual dragons. Here are some of the most famous dragons in the movie and their names:

1. Toothless -

Toothless is a Night Fury dragon, known for his sleek black color and ability to fire plasma blasts. Named by Hiccup after losing a tooth while freeing him from a trap, Toothless is one of the most iconic characters in the franchise.

2. Stormfly -

Stormfly is a Deadly Nadder with purple scales and blue markings. She is Astrid's dragon, and her loyalty and passion for flying make her a formidable force to be reckoned with.

3. Meatlug -

Meatlug is a Gronckle with a tough exterior and a soft spot for her rider. She is owned by Fishlegs and has a particular appetite for rocks!

4. Hookfang -

Hookfang is a Monstrous Nightmare belonging to Snotlout. He is a fierce and adventurous dragon with bright red scales and an aggressive personality.

5. Barf and Belch -

Barf and Belch are Zippleback dragons with unique characteristics- one head belches gas while the other ignites it. They are jointly owned by Ruffnut and Tuffnut and are known for their mischievous nature.

Tips on Memorizing the Dragon Names

Learning the names of these unique and complex creatures can seem like a challenging task. Fortunately, there are some tips that can make it easier:
  1. Watch the movies multiple times- repetition is key, and the more you watch, the better you will remember.
  2. Create flashcards with pictures of the dragons and their names.
  3. Try to form associations between the names and specific traits or physical features of the dragons to make it more memorable. For example, Meatlug and rocks.
  4. Test yourself regularly with quizzes or games to keep the names fresh in your memory.


In conclusion, learning the names of the dragons from the How to Train Your Dragon universe is a fun and enjoyable experience. Beyond just memorizing names, it enhances your appreciation and connection to the characters and the fantasy world they inhabit. With the tips outlined in this article, you'll be able to breeze through the dragon names in no time!

How to Train Your Dragon Names: An In-Depth Guide

If you're a fan of the popular book series or movie franchise, How to Train Your Dragon, then you know that there are plenty of dragons with unique names in the fictional world. From Toothless to Hookfang and everything in between, HTTYD names are certainly memorable. But have you ever wondered about the meanings behind these names? In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at some of the most popular dragon names and what they really mean.

Let's start with the most well-known dragon from the series: Toothless. As the name suggests, Toothless has no teeth - at least at the beginning of the story. Instead, he has retractable teeth that are revealed when he needs them. The name Toothless is not only descriptive but also ironic, as Toothless ends up being one of the most powerful and loyal dragons in the stories. Fun fact: Toothless was originally called Night Fury before author Cressida Cowell changed the name.

Another fan-favorite dragon from the series is Hookfang, the Monstrous Nightmare who belongs to Snotlout. Hookfang's name is equally descriptive; he has hooks on his wings which allow him to cling to cliffs and walls. Plus, his fiery breath is certainly enough to give anyone a good hook! Hookfang's design was inspired by a traditional Chinese dragon, and he brings a fierce presence to the films and books.

The next dragon on our list is Stormfly, Astrid's dragon and a Deadly Nadder. As her name suggests, Stormfly is known for her speed and agility. She's able to fly faster and more gracefully than most dragons, and her sharp spines make her a formidable opponent in battle. Interestingly, Stormfly is based on the character of the same name from another book series, The Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater.

One of the funniest dragon names in the How to Train Your Dragon series has to be Barf and Belch, the two-headed dragon that belongs to Ruffnut and Tuffnut. Despite their silly names, Barf and Belch are actually quite powerful dragons who possess the ability to breathe both fire and gas - a deadly combination. Perhaps the best part of these dragons is the sibling dynamic between them and their Viking counterparts.

A dragon with a more solemn and thoughtful name is Cloudjumper, the Stormcutter who appears in the second and third films. His name is likely derived from his cloudy coloration, which helps him blend into the sky. Cloudjumper is also unique in that he has six wings, making him one of the most formidable flying creatures in the series.

Next up is Meatlug, Fishlegs' Gronckle. Meatlug may not be the fastest or most agile dragon, but she's certainly one of the most loveable. Her name alludes to her love for food; Meatlug will eat just about anything and everything. Her large size comes in handy during battles, though, as she can fly over the heads of her enemies while raining rocks down upon them.

Moving on to a more dangerous dragon, we have the Skrill. Skrill is an electric dragon that can deliver powerful shocks to enemies who get too close. His name seems to come from the word skull, which could refer to the way his electricity can fry a person's brain. Skrill is certainly one of the most intimidating dragons in the series.

The last dragon we'll discuss in-depth is Grimmel's Deathgripper. The Deathgripper is a fierce dragon with sharp claws that allow it to grip onto its prey and never let go. Grimmel, the dragon hunter, uses these beasts to capture other dragons. The name Deathgripper is certainly fitting for a dragon that seems to always get its prey.

Of course, there are many more dragons in the How to Train Your Dragon series with unique and interesting names. We've only scratched the surface with this article. Whether you're a fan of the books or the movies, the dragons in the series are certainly unforgettable characters. Next time you watch or read about them, consider the meanings behind their names and how they contribute to these beloved creatures' personalities.

Thank you for reading this in-depth guide about How to Train Your Dragon names. We hope you enjoyed learning more about these fantastical creatures and their monikers. Who knows, maybe reading this article will give you inspiration for naming your own pet dragon someday!

People Also Ask about How to Train Your Dragon Names: Answered

Who are the main characters in How to Train Your Dragon?

The main characters in How to Train Your Dragon are:

  1. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
  2. Toothless (Hiccup's dragon)
  3. Astrid Hofferson
  4. Snotlout Jorgenson
  5. Fishlegs Ingerman
  6. Ruffnut Thorston
  7. Tuffnut Thorston
  8. Gobber the Belch
  9. Stoick the Vast

What is the name of Hiccup's dragon?

Hiccup's dragon's name is Toothless. He is a Night Fury dragon with jet-black scales and green eyes. Toothless is known for his intelligence, loyalty, and ability to fly at incredible speeds.

What is the name of the red dragon in How to Train Your Dragon?

The name of the red dragon in How to Train Your Dragon is a Monstrous Nightmare dragon. Although there are several Monstrous Nightmares in the movie, the one that features prominently is named Hookfang. He is the dragon of Snotlout Jorgenson, one of Hiccup's classmates and rivals.

What is the name of the twins' dragon in How to Train Your Dragon?

The twins' dragon in How to Train Your Dragon is a Hideous Zippleback dragon. The two heads of the dragon have different personalities and abilities. They are named Barf and Belch, after the noises they make.

What is the name of Astrid's dragon in How to Train Your Dragon?

Astrid does not have a dragon of her own in How to Train Your Dragon. However, in the second movie, she rides on the back of Stormfly, her Deadly Nadder dragon. Stormfly has blue scales and can shoot spikes from her tail.

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