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Mastering the Art of Fly Fishing: How to Tie a Stimulator Fly like a Pro!

Mastering the Art of Fly Fishing: How to Tie a Stimulator Fly like a Pro!

Are you looking for the perfect fly to catch fish during hatch season? Look no further than the Stimulator Fly. This versatile fly works well in both fast and slow waters, and is a favorite among fly fishermen. But do you know how to tie one? Follow these simple steps to become a master at tying the Stimulator Fly.

To start, gather your materials. You will need yellow or orange dubbing, grizzly hackle, deer hair, thin gold wire, and a hook. Make sure your materials are high quality, as this can make a big difference in the success of your fly.

Begin by sliding the hook into your vise and securing it in place. Next, wrap thread around the hook to create a base. This will help hold your materials in place while tying.

Now, it's time to add the tail. Using your grizzly hackle, tie several feathers onto the base of the hook. This will create a realistic-looking tail that fish find irresistible.

Once your tail is secure, it's time to add the body. Take your dubbing and wrap it around the base of the hook to create a cylindrical shape. Make sure it's tight and evenly spaced.

Next, it's time to add the wings. Take a clump of deer hair and tie it onto the top of the fly. This will give your fly a buoyant quality, which is important for fishing in fast-moving water.

The final step is to add the hackle. Take your grizzly hackle and wrap it around the body of the fly, securing it with thin gold wire. This will give your fly a realistic movement in the water.

Now, you're ready to fish! Tie your Stimulator Fly onto your line and cast it out into the water. Watch as fish flock to your fly, eager to take a bite.

In conclusion, tying a Stimulator Fly is easy and can make all the difference in your fishing success. With a few simple steps and high-quality materials, you can create a fly that fish find irresistible. So, why not give it a try? You never know what you might catch.

How To Tie A Stimulator Fly
"How To Tie A Stimulator Fly" ~ bbaz


Fly fishing is a very popular art and usually involves the use of flies to attract fish. There is a wide range of fly patterns to choose from, and one of the most effective and popular flies is the Stimulator Fly. The Stimulator fly is a versatile pattern used for fishing in streams and rivers. It resembles a variety of insects, including caddisflies and stoneflies, making it an effective tool in the fisherman’s arsenal.

Materials needed

Tying a Stimulator Fly requires a few basic materials. These materials include:

  • Hook
  • Thread
  • Hackle feather
  • Deer hair
  • Flashabou (optional)
  • Body material (e.g. dubbing, chenille or floss)

Step by step guide

Step 1: Mounting the Hook

The hook is the foundation of the fly, so it is important to start with a high-quality and appropriately sized hook. Once the hook is selected, attach it to the vise and begin wrapping the thread around the shank. The thread should be tied from the hook's eye to just above the barb.

Step 2: Tying on the Hackle Feather

The next step is to tie a hackle feather to the hook. One end of the feather should be tied below the hook near the bend, while the other end should be pointed toward the hook's eye. Wrapping the thread backwards to secure the feather will prevent it from slipping out of place.

Step 3: Attaching the Body Material

The body material should be attached to the hook using the thread. The material should be wrapped around the shank, followed by the thread to secure it in place. The body should be thick enough to give the fly some bulk, but not so thick as to cover the hackle.

Step 4: Tying on the Deer Hair

The deer hair is used to create a wing on the Stimulator Fly. It should be tied onto the hook behind the hook's eye, above the body of the fly. The hair should be pulled upwards towards the ceiling to ensure it sits on top of the fly as it floats on the water.

Step 5: Wrapping the Chenille and Flashabou

The chenille is used to create the abdomen of the Stimulator Fly, while the flashabou helps to add some attraction to the fly. The chenille is wrapped from the back of the fly to just behind the deer hair wing, followed by adding and wrapping the flashabou to the fly.

Step 6: Wrapping the Hackle Feather

The hackle feather should be wrapped around the body of the fly in a spiral fashion. It's important to ensure that the feather doesn't cover the eyes, and also to leave room for the head of the fly.

Step 7: Creating the Head of the Fly

To create the head of the Stimulator Fly, make a base with the thread near the eye of the hook. Use the excess hackle feather to form a small cone-shaped head, followed by additional wraps of thread to keep everything in place.

Step 8: Trimming the Deer Hair Wing

After making the head, use scissors to trim the deer hair on top of the fly. The hair should be cut to slightly longer than the abdomen and also shaped to give the fly an appealing look.

Step 9: Finalizing the Assembly

To finalize the assembly, whip finish the thread near the head of the fly, and make sure it's tied off neatly. You can also add some head cement at the thread wraps to reinforce the fly.


The Stimulator Fly is a great fly that is used to imitate many types of insects, making it an effective tool in the fisherman's arsenal. With patience, practice, and the right materials, anyone can tie this versatile pattern and increase their chances of catching fish.

Stimulator Fly Tying: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to fly fishing, it always pays to have an arsenal of different flies at your disposal. These little lures are what trick fish into biting your line, so having a variety can increase your chances of a successful trip. One fly that should definitely be a part of your collection is the stimulator fly. This versatile pattern imitates many different species of insects and is one of the most effective dry flies out there. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to tie your very own stimulator fly.

The Materials You Will Need

Before we delve into the tying process, let's first discuss the materials you will need. Here is a list:

Material Quantity
Dry fly hook 1
Brown or yellow dubbing 1 pinch
Grizzly hackle 1
Elastic thread 1 spool
Yellow or orange foam 1 strip
Gold tinsel A few inches

Step 1: Attach the Thread

Start by tying the elastic thread onto the hook. Make sure it is secure and tight. The thread will act as the base for your fly, so you don't want it to come undone.

Step 2: Add the Tinsel

Attach the gold tinsel to the elastic thread and wrap it around the hook. You can space out the wraps to your liking, but make sure it covers the entire hook. This will serve as the body of your fly.

Step 3: Add Dubbing

Add a pinch of brown or yellow dubbing to the hook and wrap it around the tinsel. This will give your fly a little bit of bulk and texture.

Step 4: Tie in the Foam

Take your strip of yellow or orange foam and tie it in at the head of the hook. Leave a small loop behind the foam to attach the hackle later on.

Step 5: Wrap the Hackle

Take your grizzly hackle and tie it in just behind the foam. Wrap it around the hook several times to create the legs of your fly. Make sure it is tight and secure.

Step 6: Pull the Foam Over

Now it's time to pull the foam over the top of your fly. Take the loop you left behind earlier and pull it over the hackle and elastic thread. Gently pull it tight to keep everything in place.

Step 7: Trim and Tie Off

Cut off any excess foam and elastic thread, leaving only a small tag. Tie off the thread and your stimulator fly is complete!

Comparing Stimulator Fly Variations

While the basic pattern we just described is effective, there are several variations you can consider to tailor your fly to different fishing situations. Here are a few:

The Standard Stimulator Fly

This is the most commonly used variation of the stimulator fly. As we outlined above, it consists of a gold tinsel body, dubbing, grizzly hackle, and foam.

The Black Stimulator Fly

This variation is tied using black foam instead of yellow or orange. It can be especially effective in low light or overcast conditions.

The Purple Stimulator Fly

This variation uses purple dubbing instead of brown or yellow. It can be useful in rivers where caddisflies are prevalent.


The stimulator fly is a must-have for any fly fisherman's collection. Not only is it effective at imitating a wide variety of insects, but it is also simple to tie. By following the steps outlined above, you can create your own stimulator fly, or experiment with different variations to find what works best for you. Happy fishing!

How to Tie a Stimulator Fly


The Stimulator Fly is a great pattern for imitating a wide range of insects, including stoneflies, caddisflies, and grasshoppers. It’s a versatile bug that can be used in various water conditions and is perfect for targeting trout in both still and moving waters. Tying a Stimulator Fly might seem challenging to someone new to fly tying, but with some practice and patience, it’s a relatively easy fly to tie.

Gather Materials

The materials needed to tie a Stimulator Fly include dry fly hooks, brown and yellow deer hair, yellow or orange floss, grizzly hackle, and peacock herl. To tie a Stimulator Fly, you will also need scissors, fly tying thread, and a bobbin.

Begin Tying the Fly

Start by threading the hook onto your vise and then beginning to wrap the thread at the base of the hook shank. Use a few wraps to secure the thread, and then begin wrapping the thread up the shank towards the eye.

Attach Materials

Once you have reached the midpoint of the hook shank, wrap the floss around the hook shank and tie it off. Next, take two to three clumps of deer hair and tie them in on top of the shank at the mid-point of the hook. Once you have done this, tie in a grizzly hackle feather by its stem.

Create the Body

With the floss as a base, tie in a small bunch of peacock herl. Wrap the peacock herl to create the body of the fly in the area below the deer hair wing. Then, wrap the grizzly hackle feather around the fly and secure it with the thread.

Create the Wing

Flatten out the remaining deer hair between your fingers and trim it to form a pointed wing shape. Once the wing has been shaped, tie it down over the top of the fly with several turns of thread. Be sure to use some pressure when wrapping the thread so that the wing doesn’t come loose.

Tie Off the Fly

Pull the thread tight to create a small head, tie it off, and then trim it close to the hook shank. Next, trim the deer hair to the desired length. The final step is adding some hackle to the front of the fly for a finished look.


The Stimulator Fly is an excellent all-around pattern for any avid fisherman’s fly box. With these basic steps and materials, you can quickly learn how to tie a Stimulator Fly through some practice. Always experiment with different colors and sizes of materials to create a fly that suits your particular fishing conditions. Happy tying!

How To Tie A Stimulator Fly

Fly fishing can be as much about the art of tying flies as it is about catching fish. One of the most popular and versatile patterns in a fly angler's arsenal is the Stimulator fly. This fly can imitate a range of aquatic insects and attract fish from a distance. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to tie a Stimulator fly.

To begin, you'll need the following materials:

  • Hook: Size 6-12 dry fly hook
  • Thread: Black or brown 6/0 or 8/0 thread
  • Dubbing: Hare’s ear, squirrel, or similar material
  • Hackle: Brown, grizzly, or ginger dry fly hackle
  • Wing: Elk hair or deer hair
  • Ribbing: Fine gold or copper wire
  • Tail: Golden pheasant tippet or similar material

Now that you have your materials ready, let's start tying!

Step 1: Begin by securing the hook in the vise and wrapping the thread onto the hook shank, just behind the eye. Leave some space between the eye and the thread.

Step 2: Take a small clump of dubbing and spin it onto the thread. Wrap the thread back towards the bend of the hook, forming a tapered body as you go.

Step 3: Tie in your ribbing material at the base of the tail and wrap the thread forward to the starting point, forming a smooth base.

Step 4: Tie in a small bunch of golden pheasant tippet fibers for the tail of the fly, making sure they are spread out evenly. The tail should be around half the length of the shank.

Step 5: Take a hackle feather and tie it in by the tip of the feather, just in front of the tail. Make sure the feather is perpendicular to the shank.

Step 6: Tie in a length of fine wire for ribbing, just in front of the hackle feather. The wire should be on the side of the hook opposite the feather.

Step 7: Cut a small bunch of elk hair from the hide and clean out all the underfur. Measure the hair against the shank so that it is roughly the same length as the body. Tie in the elk hair directly in front of the ribbing wire, forming a neat wing on top of the shank.

Step 8: Take another small clump of dubbing and dub it onto the thread. Wrap the thread forward, creating a tapered body towards the eye of the hook.

Step 9: Wind the hackle feather forwards, spiralling the feather around the shank towards the eye. As you wind, use your fingers to stroke the fibres back, making sure they don't get trapped under the thread.

Step 10: Once you have wound the hackle feather around the shank, tie it off with a few wraps of thread and trim the excess feather. Secure the ribbing wire with a few wraps of thread and trim the excess.

Congratulations, you have just tied a Stimulator fly! This versatile fly can be tied in a range of colours and sizes to imitate a range of insects and attract fish in different conditions. Now go out and try your hand at catching some fish with your new creation!

If you have any tips or tricks that you use when tying the Stimulator fly, feel free to share them in the comments below. Happy fishing!

Thank you for visiting our blog and we hope you found this guide on how to tie a Stimulator fly helpful. Keep coming back to learn more tips and tricks on fly fishing, casting techniques, and gear selection.

People Also Ask: How To Tie A Stimulator Fly

What is a Stimulator Fly?

A stimulator fly is a type of dry fly used by fly fishers to catch trout, grayling, and other freshwater fish species. It is designed to imitate various flying insects such as caddisflies, stoneflies, and grasshoppers.

What materials do I need to tie a Stimulator Fly?

To tie a stimulator fly, you will need:

  • Dry fly hook
  • Brown or tan deer hair
  • Fine copper wire
  • Orange or brown floss
  • Brown hackle feathers
  • Yellow or orange chenille
  • Cement glue

How do I tie a Stimulator Fly?

Follow these steps to tie a Stimulator Fly:

  1. Wrap the copper wire around the hook shank to create a ribbing.
  2. Attach the floss to the hook shank and wrap it up to the front of the hook.
  3. Secure the floss with the copper wire.
  4. Tie in a clump of deer hair at the front of the hook shank to create the body.
  5. Wrap the wire ribbing around the body to secure the deer hair.
  6. Tie in a feather at the front of the hook shank to create the hackle.
  7. Tie in the chenille at the front of the hook shank.
  8. Wrap the chenille around the hook shank to create the thorax.
  9. Wrap the hackle feather around the thorax and tie it off.
  10. Cut off the excess deer hair and hackle feather.
  11. Apply cement glue to the head of the fly and let dry.

What size Stimulator Fly should I use?

The size of the stimulator fly you should use depends on the size of the insects you are trying to imitate and the size of the fish you are targeting. Generally, sizes 8-14 work well for trout and grayling.

Where is the best place to use a Stimulator Fly?

Stimulator flies can be used in various freshwater environments such as rivers, streams, and mountain lakes. They work best when there is an abundance of flying insects on or near the water.

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